1. It is if u have an addictive personality cuz when u start u adventually meet other people who have done and give u access to other drugs that u never would have thought existed until u started weed

  2. It is a gateway because most dealers sell multiple drugs and if you do one drug and arearound people who do drugs some of them do multiple drugs and people tend to get curious

  3. Alcohol is way way more of a gateway drug than weed ever could be..
    The old codgers who created the propaganda films like refer madness, and who obviously NEVER tried marijuana, therefore don’t have a clue what it’s effects are, are the same lawmakers who dubbed weed as a gateway drug..
    Weed needs to be removed from this schedule 1 list, that’s ridiculous, then it should be legalized at the federal level, so I can then be able to partake in it like all my fellow statesmen and women do, without any jeopardizing of my employment

  4. Cigarettes and movies are the gateway drug of all time because we’re always told cigarettes will kill you if you smoke one but we see everyone smoking and their fine and movies make drugs look way different than what they are so when you try one and it’s not anything like the movies you think about other drugs and realize they’re probably not what you seen in a movie

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