Medicinal or Criminal: Medical marijuana cards in Ohio

CINCINNATI (WKRC) – Local 12’s Investigative reporter Duane Pohlman continues his exclusive investigation of a case that will …


  1. These people are why we have strict regulations and authorities that just don't fuckin like us because of people that take advantage of shit we so desperately whine about to help us. This is not a statement about freedom or the law, they're fucking tweakers and thought they were going to make money off really cheap product. Fuck all of them.

  2. Whats it going to be ohio, task forces to steal money or good products to make money, they wanna have their cake and eat it too while real medical patients die waiting for the prices to go down and medicinal value to go up. Why oh why would you allow your state to be sold to china?

  3. Trafficking duh. Let's go get all of our 90 day supplies together at one time with cards that aren't legit or active yet. Then let's bring it all back across a state line while said product is still schedule I. Man lock them up for stupidity, not the medicine (which we all know they were about to flip 🤣🤣)

  4. opioid chemo etc medical malpractice cases proven as they get others to snitch pay fines plea deal etc fucking joke got me fucked up pussy muthafuckas responsible for fuck shit being continuous will have a worse death than their family members from medical malpractice

  5. This is complete BULLSHIT! I hope people realize as long as we have ignorant people in office, this is what's going to happen! Vote out John Kasich, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, etc…
    While the rest of the world moves forward, the US will continue to FAIL because of all the right wing fanatics we currently have in office.

    Canada, along with all Latin American countries are preparing to decriminalize all drugs, following the policies that have been working in Portugal and Amsterdam since 2001.
    They have LESS drug use, less violence, less overall crime, and less drug related crime.

    The US continues with ignorant policies. For instance the only patient group the govt recommends, encourages, facilitates, and funds the use of opioids, are OPIOID ADDICTS! The only group of doctors the US government has given a FREE PASS TO PRESCRIBE OPIOIDS ARE ADDICTION MEDICINE DOCTORS!
    Meanwhile, chronic pain patients are denied life restoring opioid pain medicines! The rate of suicide is skyrocketing among chronic pain patients. WHICH IS JUST FINE WITH KASICH, DEWINE, PORTMAN, TRUMP, AND ALL POLICY MAKERS WHO HAVE A HAND IN SUCH IGNORANT POLICIES.

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