1. I smoke marijuana and had surgery, all you said are right. This video is informative and YouTube's algorithm should recommend it to marijuana users. Thank you.

  2. Okay I’m not a doctor but listen this is bs at the end of the day every body is different my results are not ur results vice versa that’s y we keep having sick cause u per scribe me medication that work on another body not mines and u hope I get better please just start sayin in my opinion u will sound better

  3. I have to see an orthopedic surgeon and I've been doing cannabis for a year. I was in the hospital today and they had to give me oxys bc i was in so much pain bc I fractured my right face and road rushed my elbow.

  4. THEN STOP USING FAKE MAN MADE TEST CHEMICALS ON OUR BODIES IT SHOULD BE A CRIME TO USE ALL OF THOSE ON A HUMAN !!! Weed Certainly isn’t the problem!!! Modern Medicine Is FUCKED and Owned by Big Pharmaceuticals

  5. So true! I always learn a lot from you! I don’t smoke! I really enjoy donating to the anesthesiologist Foundation, since it was hard for me to go to college because of my cerebral palsy, I really wanted to be a anesthesiologist physician, it takes a special person and skill to be a anesthesiologist or CRNA and you’re one of them

  6. Daily cannabis user. I have cancer and use edibles as well as a bong smoke before and after surgerys, scans, blood tests and biopsys. I take no other pain meds except occasional tylenol. I hate opiate-based pain meds too many side effects. I do not believe any of what you are saying is supported by rigorous repeatable research. All my doctors know and support my usage. Because of cannabis I am able to maintain employment while coping with cancer treatments and surgeries. This video is just bs fear mongering. Glad I live in Canada.

  7. Awhile back I smoked the night before a EGD to find out I have Celiacs Disease, and now that I learn this wow my dumbass almost made things worse for myself. Everything went smoothly I woke up fine only feeling a little numb and could immediately get up didn’t have any side effects.

    Could I have potentially caused myself harm by not telling the doctor I smoked maybe… But a procedure like an EGD is short and isn’t surgery which requires someone to be asleep for hours. I’m curious if there could have been repercussions from that, it was my first time under anesthesia. Also while in the prep room I was experiencing anxiety the nurse gave me something in my IV that immediately cleansed all anxiety from my body.

    I’m REALLY curious if Weed the Night before, Anxiety Medicine in IV, then anesthesia in my system was potentially fatal.

  8. Bruh ion know what he talm bout I was fried before my surgery and I smoked a day after my shi healing just fine. Remember keep the sites clean with warm salt water can flush the site with that pump… If the hole is open

  9. Commenters why are you commenting about the fact that you use marijuana instead of opiates as if you're shunning g or telling somebody off do you like not know how to follow instructions or are you just completely fucking retarded you know what I think you're doing it on purpose because nobody is this fucking stupid

    hes not talking about that hes saying because you smoke so much weed it makes it hard for them to give you the right amount of dosage to put you out when they have to cut you open and dig into your guts for something because you have such a tolerance for smoking marijuana they have to give you more of the drugs they have to put you out which makes you sick as fuck I know that it made me sick as fuck

    You can't understand that you either can't understand basic English or you're just absolutely fucking retarded or you're doing this on purpose because you're bored you could be all 3 fuck I don't know

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