1. It is funny that in Russian language diet is a way of eating. So even if you are eating 5000 cal you are sitting on 5000 cal diet. Actually all ways of eating are diets because eating itself is a diet. Of course nowadays more and more people are associated diets with losing weight are the meanings are changing. But it is interesting how words are changing throw history

  2. I work out because I like how I look, I get so much confidence from it. Is that bad? Should I feel guilty 😂

    Edit: what about maintaining your weight? We don't all weight cycle

  3. anybody having a physical job knows fat is bad for you.
    they struggled so much more than me doing the exact same things.
    all in sweat, catching their breaths, they look like if they re about to faint out of so much efforts.
    ever seen one in summer heat? they suffocate, perspire like the ocean.
    I envy them in winter time, hardly feeling any cold while I m shaking to death.
    so in the arctic, yeah, it might be good for your health to be fat.
    so Santa s fine, but the rest should be careful.

    good show sis.

  4. Here is the simple fact of the matter. If being fat were in any way healthy, there would be stomach expanding surgeries. There are not, there are only surgeries that shrink your stomach (or something similar so you eat less). I am fine if people want to be fat…nature will take care of them for us. It is a suicidal movement which by its very nature is self-defeating. The humorous part is nobody wants to be fat, they just do not know how to live any other way so they embrace it. They know they hate they hate being fat, we know it, everyone knows it. Every day their body screams at them in pain, they just do not know how listen. Even if they did, they do not know how to help it.

    Also, good looking out posting the link to the artist you use. Totally going to hit her…him…they…whatever, up and get some done. I want to get involved but am ugly AF and would rather just have some decent anime artwork showing instead of my ogre mug.

  5. Hey, your videos are great and absolutely necessary to the platform, however I can’t watch them fully because the subject that it approaches. Hearing this fa people talking for long periods of time makes me feel as if my IQ is dropping by the minute. Keep up the good work tho

  6. Changing a food in your diet CAN literally mean weight gain or weight loss. I have gained 15 pounds over time from bad breakfast choices before. It took me a while to lose that weight but I learned permenant healthy eating habits along the way.

  7. I mean at this point I don't care about being called fatphobic. They act like it's some silver bullet that shuts down all criticism but I want to look good and feel good and if that's fatphobic then so be it.

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