He Says He’s Been Smoking Marijuana for Over 50 Years

Stuart says he has been smoking marijuana for 50 years and has spent over $1 million on pot in his lifetime. Stuart says his …


  1. I'm been smoking for 51 years. I had a respectable job for 40 years and I've been retired for 6 years. Still smoking and I will be 77 in 17 days. I can assure you I am nothing like that gentleman. I still ride a motorcycle and my primary vehicle has a 6 speed standard transmission. I also enjoy a beer or two with old friends. If you think I missed a few years, I also had 12 years of social security. Of course Reagan stole 60% of that.

  2. I will say the conversation from all parties was open, kind and honest.
    It’s a tricky slope with this. I do not frown on the stuff. But I’ve never ever seen this kind of character from anyone that was even a chronic smoker in my time thus far.

  3. Everybody needs to understand one thing, anything that gives you a good feeling can be addictive, eating mcdonalds french fries can be addictive depending on the person, and if you sit there and say that weed isnt a drug, its not true, it is a drug, anything that alters your mind in anyway is considered a drug, marijuana has psychoactive effects on the brain, therefore it is a drug.. i am a user as of today and i have been for over 17 years now, people who cannot wrap their heads around this common knowledge is severely in denial and is addicted themselves

  4. I used to smoke pot for about 14-16 years and recently quit. I do miss getting high but I don't regret quitting either. Last time I smoked was 8 months ago. Would u some again? Not anytime soon. But if I do smoke again I'll probably smoke once a year like on my birthday.

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