Organization working to put medical marijuana on 2024 Idaho ballot

Idaho is one of twelve states in the U.S. where medical marijuana is illegal. That is why one group is pushing to put a new initiative …


  1. Don't care what you put in your body, I don't want to smell it, I don't want me or my kids killed by a driver high on it, I don't want to pay for the crime associated with it, or the addiction recovery that is in the 70% of all drugs for Cannabis Dependency, or strokes & heart attacks caused by daily use, national health organizations have listed it a a genotoxin that can damage DNA worst than tobacco and taxing it dose not work,it's cheaper on the street and states are now funding medical bills and addiction treatments related to the damaging health effects it causes, see CNN web site and type in marijuana and health effects, DNA, pregnancy, strokes, pain treatment. The pro side lists extremely small studies from long ago, look at the studies involving 100's of thousands and millions that just wrapped up this year 2023. BIG NO VOTE FOR ME.

  2. I doubt it will pass anytime soon. There are two many braindead sheep in this state that refuse to think critically. If it is law, it is their doctrine. They will not challenge it and will shun you for trying to change the law.
    It's disappointing how little people are willing to consider the opposite side of arguments. So much hatred and ignorance over nothing

  3. Funny how people will stand up to Big Pharma over the vaccine and fall in line over pot. Research Glioblastoma and marijuana. Cancer is a terrible disease and marijuana helps in many ways, anxiety, sleep, and appetite. “Gateway drug!”Scary how easily a narrative becomes the battle cry. Have a beer and cigarette and think about that? Alcohol industry and Big Pharma are backing the NO vote.

  4. I’ve been to Idaho, and they all keep it red and reserved. But having some marijuana after visiting Silverwood is not a bad idea y’all.
    Besides, looks like you’re taking over Oregon 😂 so Id loosen up before someone makes a shroomtater. 😊

  5. Given that the state's GOP will do everything it can to shut this down, it's not likely to go anywhere. Recall how they tried to scuttle the Medicaid expansion measure. The so called 'party of small government' really isn't, and obviously has no regard for the will of the people when it's an issue they disagree with.

  6. If it does go on the Ballot & pass, I REALLY PRAY that it will not lead to the legalization of Recreational Marijuana. Ontario, Oregon border town has been negatively impacted since all the Cannabis Shops opened per Ontario Law Enforcement. AND ITS MALHEUR COUNTY IS PART OF THE GREATER IDAHO MOVEMENT TO HOPEFULLY, ONE DAY, BECOME APART OF IDAHO.

  7. The government has no right to say what someone can or can't put in their body. Please take the money away from local drug dealers and tax it so schools are funded like they never have been before.

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