Carnivore Diet Pushers Should Be Thrown in JAIL! | Power Bite

In Episode 199 of Mark Bell’s Power Project Podcast, we asked Joel Fuhrman what he thought about our previous guests who …


  1. I guess only time will tell. I would love to see him take a group of 50 people with autoimmune conditions and eliminate their problems. My experience, and the experiences of thousands of others with autoimmune conditions, proves that carnivore does exactly that. Who wants to live longer in pain? I'll take no autoimmune disease, no morbid obesity, no depression, no brain fog and no extreme fatigue for as long as I can get it. This is after decades of all of the above with no red meat, plenty of complex carbs and nuts and grains and soy and wheat and seed oils.

  2. Who the hell is this clown? He knows how to talk like he's smart but where is the evidence? Even if all you were going to look at is the anecdotal evidence of the countless testimonials of people during their problems with carnivore and then choosing to adopted as a lifestyle, it's better evidence than the whole bunch of nothing this guy is spouting with nothing to show for it as an example around the world.

  3. Look at the carnivores – Dr Chaffee, Dr Baker, Dr Salidino, Dr Ken Berry, Steak and butter gal, Dr Kiltz, etc, etc…………….. then look at this guy. I rest my case.

  4. Who cares about longevity if you have no Quality of Life?! And the only studies this nut cites are weak correlations. The idea that red meat causes heart disease has been disproven time and again since that hypothesis was thrown out to people in the 70s.

  5. Proof is in the pudding . I felt horrible ibs c possible sibo . Anxiety, migraines , heart palpitations, adrenaline issues, thyroid issues life long insomnia all wiped out in 5 weeks of carnivore. Do I think itā€™s a life long diet idk Iā€™m not convinced. Do I think it can heal things . Before my experience I would have thought the idea crazy but I canā€™t deny itā€™s benefits to me . Definitely worth a try for anyone suffering maybe it canā€™t help everyone . I did stop carnivore in June (I love my veggies) but I am still so much better . Only thing that has come back since stopping is sleep issues but no where near as bad as it was prior .

    Letā€™s say for arguments sake heā€™s right Iā€™m gonna die faster on meat . If I gotta live with a bunch of debilitating issues that I was dealing with or die faster I think Iā€™d rather be gone .

    Maybe one should try the diet before preaching against it

  6. Also how did we get to now if only eating meat which is what most of our ancestors did in the early days. We would have gone extinct. And doctors are not trustworthy they lie all the time like politicians and lawyers

  7. Meat does have antioxidants. This dude has no idea what heā€™s talking about. Itā€™s cute when you claim other people are ignorant but offer literally 0 clinical or so much as anecdotal evidence to call someone wrong to the point you think they should be silenced. This is whatā€™s wrong with the general medical community. If you say meat is bad then you have not done any research you have only parroted what youā€™ve heard.

  8. His football linebacker comment is strange.
    Wouldnā€™t offensive and defensive lineman have much worse stats as they are often much bigger, up to 100 pounds heavier than a LB?

  9. So for generations in the west food was grown and distributed locally.
    Disease rates for things like type 2 diabetes, cancers, hypertension etc were pretty static.
    Processed food production comes on and dominates the culture and obesity, type 2, cancer, autism, all inflammatory conditions sky rocket.
    Back in the day very rare for someone to be a vegetarian and veganism didnā€™t exist. People at meat, season veg and fruit and grains that were usually locally produced. Not processed foods.
    Itā€™s not meat as the main cause of these issues.

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