1. What i think is we go world wide to the chinese system with point system face recocnitian and on top only digital money , the system need and want to stay in control… the whole corona pandemic i see as a worldwide test to see how much control they still had and how much fear they had needed and put in to scare the masses….example with 1,5 m distance i beleive is only easy for face regognition to take of a point and got you big time if do something thats not aloud 😢 , weird scary times will come i beleive! Maybe i'm wrong and i hope because…….

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  4. I'm new to stock market /Crypto and would like to invest but I've go no idea on how to make good profits. Pls what's the best approach you'd recommend?

  5. So I'm hearing mask mandates to return Sep with lockdowns by Dec/Jan. Whilst I cannot vouch for the source behind this I CAN remind everyone that the likes of Gates, Fauci & Biden have OPENLY STATED these last 3+ years that the next p(l)andemic is coming soon, most recently with Fauci saying in early April, 2023, quote: "The next pandemic may be as early as next year." (2024)

    And remember that Fauci warned of "A surprise pandemic coming" in 2017. Certainly no surprise when he was later tied to what HE defensively called "Gain of function research" into man-made virus' in Wuhan.

    If I'm aware of this then so should you be. There's NO excuse for ignorance this time round & we MUST exercise our free-will & authority, or else be treated as sheep & slaves again by those very governments who's sole purpose is to SERVE Mankind, not to subjugate us. They've NO right to do anything that we don't allow. Though why anyone would trust these people by now is beyond me, for they're clearly revealed to be working for the enemy of Man. If you don't know what I mean then take a hint when someone like Gates, long outspoken about the need to solve what HE labels the "overpopulation issue", even suggesting new vacs/reproductive health care etc. later pushes the C19 jabs as "the final solution."

    Those of us informed said NO. Luckily, for the worldwide excess/unexplained death-rate has SKYROCKETED since 2021-22.

    When they begin the next pysop you MUST fight them. Do not give your consent or power over to anyone. Good people do not seek power over others, only the bad guys. Remember this & you'll be okay. Stay safe. ✌

  6. I came here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $960,000 in 4 months from $160k, somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

  7. I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto and forex investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Mrs Elizabeth Cueto

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