TeamAng Hey everyone, here are 3 different seizures I recently had. One in Costco and 2 at home. Please comment and …


  1. Bro my twin sis has epilepsy to (were both 15 years old) and hers are just out of the blue man she could be fine one minute and down the next I do get a "twin instinct" I can tell when she's not herself its probably because I'm just over protective lol

  2. Thank you for sharing this with the world. My dog has started having seizures due to a suspected brain tumour.

    I am amazed to see that we handle human and dog seizures in kind of the same way, by clearing the immediate area, being calm etc.

  3. I'm happy to have to come across your videos. I'm 30, live with my aunt, and have had grand mal seizures since 2016. I have trouble keeping jobs because of calling in too much. Having seizures makes me feel like such a burden on her. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life in the future, especially without her, and that terrifies me every day. God bless you and your family. Hope you're doing well ❤

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey…pretty brave and educational. My brother didn't know he was having seizures, just thought it was dry heaves then waking up on the floor not knowing what month or day it was. Crazy. He had alcohol withdrawal seizures, but I'm so glad people are sharing all their types of seizures and epilepsy.

  5. I am 57 I got epilepsy at age five never had a normal life my seizures I have drop a tacks and I broke more things then I can remember. God bless you and your family that is watching over you it is hard on them as well.

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