The Inside Story of Cannabidiol – What are the Benefits of CBD?

What is CBD oil? What are the benefits of CBD? How does CBD work? This is The Inside Story of Cannabidiol about the benefits …


  1. I’ve been taking CBD for two years.
    It is not a cure-all. I have had fewer bad days than the previous two or three years but that may be down to other factors.
    While I believed I felt better, mentally and physically, after four or five weeks my “point of balance” has shifted, or been shifted more than once since then.
    Life is difficult and complicated.
    CBD will never change that but might, might, assist when your physical or mental health are compromised.

  2. This video was amazing, it's everything we have been looking for! Is there a way to get in touch with Dr. Asher Milgrom personally, besides filling out the contact form that's on his company website? I represent a new Biotech company. We recently had our products undergo a scientific study (conducted by PHytolife laboratories) testing the viability and measuring the reduction of inflammation within human cells. We want to publish a white paper but need to translate the report so it's more digestible and user friendly for consumers. We would love to send him our report and findings and pick his brain on everything. This video was a masterclass in explanation and execution for educating the common person about CBD and the Endocannabinoid System.

  3. "Good health lies in knowing true medicine"
    We are manufacturers of all kinds of products, we even build houses with the best 100% legal organic CBD in the world grown in Canada, Colorado, Holland and now the best in the blue zone of the Planet of Costa Rica.

  4. The entire CBD and medicinal cannabis industry are unregulated, There are no mandatory testing standards to ensure purity or dose effectiveness or safety❗️………….. this is not an accident the state and federal legislators are bought and paid for with corporate money and the pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest contributors to corporate campaign finance❗️
    The industry is intentionally unregulated and designed to fail…..
    While there are a few producers of CBd that voluntarily lab test their products the prices are high and the doses are low consistently throughout the industry. Fortunately many people still respond with excellent results even with these very low doses however the expense makes it inaccessible to many people who might benefit!
    In nearly every state the licensing and fees required to commercially produce either Hemp or cannabis are absurdly inflated! The objective being to drive out all but the largest corporate players from the industry, Ensuring that high prices and low doses Will continue!
    It is the recreational side of the industry And the almost unlimited profit potential, that keep the commercial producer , Again large corporations committed to the lucrative , Overpriced CBD market and the overprice but in high demand recreational markets❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
    “. Solution “
    Kick The corrupting influence of corporate campaign finance out of our democratic electoral process❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️

  5. is the cannabinoid system an invisible system related to all the energy centres in our body as we do not have any organs for this system yet we have most receptors for this compound in our body ..i m convinced as i can feel it and these thought has emerged from within may not come to agreement with me as science believe in seeing ..thats why they dont believe in energy centres but associated at each energy centers are specific endocrine glands performing different function in the body is that doctor..

  6. Hi my system has been heavily inflamed since birth. I first had a runny nose and chronic sinusitis, I suffered a lot of trauma as a child, how do I get proper CBD into my system. I must also clear my system of zopliclone and benzos, they have been the only thing that has worked in producing gaba to try reach homeostasis, but I am addicted and it is destroying me. Help please.

  7. I smoked weed for 13 years almost daily, and multiple times a day more recently. I switched to CBD only 10 days ago and it has been absolutely life changing. Thank you so much for helping me to completely understand why, and confirm my feelings. If you have found yourself watching this video, please give it a try. You will be an entirely better version of yourself. I promise 😁❤️

  8. This is one of the best explanations i have ever heard and seen .thanks a lot! Nou ik have a question : which is better , puur cbd, RAW cbd OR full spectrum cbd ? Thanks a lot!

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