1. To me is alot of bs because what about drinking they should treat same as majurana just don't drink while you carry gun and don't smoke while carry gun frist get sober it's common sense

  2. Actually in Florida it is completely legal to have your concealed carry permit and medical cannabis license at the same time. We were not prohibited from having gone only from purchasing new ones.. But now the new case that just came out says that it is unconstitutional to not allow medical cannabis patient to have guns

  3. As chronic pain sufferer I could in my State get the MM card and supposedly keep my CCW but have not because of the 4470 I could've gotten a gun still thru private transfer ir gift but because I also live in a Communist State ( which just passed a Unconstitutional AWB) they also had passed a private background check requirement a year or so ago so would never be able to purchase a new gun again, so instead I stay on prescription options and am allowed to keep my God given and Constitional rights to own and purchase a gun. Go figure that out 1 comes from the Earth and has been safe for thousands of years and the other man-made with no long term knowledge of consequences of taking it( yet we know the problems with actual opiods like heroin and still act like its ok because its all about that $$$$$ because you could grow your own pain relief)

  4. I mean it's not bad, they let alcoholics own guns…
    I'd say it's safer for pot heads to own guns than alcoholics..
    Not that I condone shooting while under the influence of ANY substance, but if I had to to choose, I'd pick the weed, because you still have control over yourself….
    And that b.s. on the 4473 is a misnomer, because in my experience, weed is not an addictive substance.

  5. America's alleged "War on Drugs" has created a black market similar to prohibition. We all know how successful that was. Eliminate the 100 year old drug laws and see if violent crime doesn't go down as a result. Instead we play stupid games like this. UGH.

  6. It's long , long overdue . Alcohol is way more uncontrolable than weed and it tends to make some people violent and aggressive , yet weed is illegal and you can literally buy alcohol anywhere . It was a dumb law back in 1934 and still an even dumber law today .

  7. I hav`nt heard of any one having their guns taken away from having a MM card but on the same tune I heard of gun owners being refused to buy another gun thru the back ground check witch has record of the MM card.

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