How to make extra strength CBD oil

cbd #cbdoil #cbdtincture In this video I share with you my recipe for extra stregth CBD oil . We use MCT oil and our own organic CBD hemp flower along with …


  1. Hey, tnx for the great video. I got a question if someone can help with? If i make this oil with same mesurments as you did but use lets say Finola plant (legal in EU, can have 5% cbd) how much % of cbd would oil have. When i looked on the market its huge difference in price between 2% and 6% oil. What can i expect if i make it from 5% plant for personal use, using your method. Tnx! 🙂

  2. could you please explain how you get these numbers for instants it's 19% CBD how did you figure that out? Thank you would appreciate it I have no decent idea other than send it to a lab?What the hell do I know

  3. Can you do one for making cbd vape juice ?

    Also if you making CBD oil for it's anti inflammation properties why not use Olive oil seeing olive oil also has Anti inflammation properties

  4. Hi! Very impressive video! May we somehow arrange a very short private conversation on this? I would really need a little bit more advice, I'd order and buy everything from you, but how can we establish a private conversation (again, just 10 minutes or so…)? Please, please let me know.
    Thank you in advance!!!

  5. great info ,just made some here in Aussie Land …one quickie . you decarbed ,then pulled out of the oven , said smells great {same same} , then put in MBN. …book says to let cool as it preserves phytonutrients ….. another you tube showed ol mate letting his box cool to 60 . whats the scoop ? Imine probably went down to 60 then in the pot into the oil , but after4 hours was only done down to 50% . bud and lecithin still dry above , so compressed with spatular and red set for another 4 hrs came out beautiful and the bottom of the MBN had a clump of finish exactly like a coffee perculator , …whats your decarb take on that cheers Mungass ….

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