Medical Marijuana for Multiple Sclerosis | Discover Marijuana

In today’s video, Tim and Blake talk about how Medical Cannabis can be used to help with MS, or Multiple Sclerosis. Medical …


  1. One of the best tools that managed to somewhat restore some normalcy…I started to have symptoms during covd I was officially diagnosed and recieved my first infusion and it helped but I got sick with stomach flu and that's what made me realize i needed more…was scared to smoke because of the stigma but I tried it and it really made things more manageable plus I told my doc who was glad I did….she was going to recommend but couldn't but set me on the path to get medical Marijuana and the doctors who would help…..

  2. This was cute <3 Thank you for the information. I was diagnosed with MS at 20 and have very bad seizure pain side effects of it and my Nuero recomended some INDICA marijuana to fight against MS which helps so much! #BlueDream tho <3

  3. Thank you so much for putting this video out! It felt like you were talking directly to me, which is validating and reassuring. Dealing with MS symptoms is not only physically taxing, but emotionally and psychologically as well.
    It's difficult not to feel alone in this. I go to an MS support group monthly, but it seems like a lot of members have hold-ups from stigmas and stereotypes surrounding cannabis.

    I was diagnosed with MS in March of 2020 right after the earthquake and during my final semester in the masters program for architecture at the U of U. It was an absolute nightmare, as everything shut down from COVID and I was left hanging without any answers or treatment options for two months. During that time I came across a lot of alternative treatment methods, but cannabis by far has been an absolute lifesaver. You have no idea how much this has positively impacted the quality of my life in so many different ways. The Zions 1:1:10 tincture has been amazing so I really hope they can do another run of that. Until then, I've been going with Jilu 1:1:1 tincture. GG#4 and Tahoe OG (helps with PTSD as well) have been great nighttime strains and help send me off to sleep, as the tinctures with a full dropper aren't quite getting me there. Light use of Jack Herrer during the day has reduced pain and allowed me to focus while working. Blue Dream is also amazing, with great relief from pain while maintaining a clear head. The 30 mg Hygge CBD gummies as also great in relieving some of the muscle spasticity and spasms during the start of the day. The only thing I'm not wild about is the price point, but the relief I experience is 100% worth it. I just wish there were some kind of financial assistance.

    Some other things that have helped have been practicing daily the Wim Hof Method, permanently changing to an anti-inflammatory diet, meditation (GG#4 is excellent for this personally), and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I'm incredibly curious to know if there are any other MSers out there in youtube land that have had strains they feel have helped in specific ways.

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