CBD Oil for Joint Pain – Fay Farm Review

Hey guys! I was kindly gifted these products from The Fay Farm as part of the Chronic Illness Bloggers Network to review!


  1. I love this! As you know Iโ€™m an advocate for the medicinal properties of cannabis but CBD is amazing for so many things and it takes out the psychoactive affect you get from THC. (The bit that gets you high).

    Iโ€™m defo going to look into these as my poor mumma suffers awfully with fibromyalgia and I know CBD can work wonders- Iโ€™ve been looking for a nice cream to recommend to her. Let me know if they want to work with any other bloggers ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’•

    (Ps. Youre amazing as always) x

  2. When I pulled a muscle in my back, Becca used it on me and it was like an INSTANT relief!

    It felt nice and warm, to begin with, then it went cool and helped relieve the pain. I'd say it's a solid product, and it's nice to hear it's cruelty free too ๐Ÿ™‚

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