Will CBD oil help you?

Dr.DeFabio goes over the adaptogenic properties of CBD & some of the more common conditions CBD is used to treat. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Morton’s …


  1. Realease joints with cannabis joints..I am all ready 1 year time on experiment….perfect results….dynamic, statistics, stretching, massage, meditation with cannabis…. breathing…I get my diaphragm on life again ….

  2. Sounds good. I just recently noticed that I have a pretty big bald spot in my beard. Very strange, over a few weeks it has grown. I wonder if CBD might help correct this skin issue… it sounds like it might be so type of auto immune issue. Iā€™m 40 yr old male with great health history, but now I seem to have very crackly hands, maybe psoriasis or ezeema? Any ways thanks Dr for your info!

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