Who Benefits Most From Schedule 3 Recommendation MSOs or LPs?

In this video I give my thoughts and opinions on who benefits the most from HHS’ recommendation to schedule 3. Will US …


  1. Just curious why you own more Canadian LPs although you think MSOs will reap the greatest benefit from rescheduling? I suspect there’s a pretty large correlation between nationality, i.e., American or Canadian, and whether one favors LPs or MSOs.

  2. If we get SAFE, the big MSOS's of the U.S. will see some stock prices pop. That will give some momentum for when the DEA comes out with what they agree with for rescheduling. Then I believe Canadian LP's will start popping, especially when Germany comes onboard at years end. I've got IMCC, OGI, and SNDL for when Germany gets going.

    Everyone is watching MSOS ETF. Even though Columbia Care, Ayr Wellness, SHWZ (Shwaz) are OTC's, I found I can trade those and others via Charles Schwab.

    I would like to have at least four good MSO's in my portfolio, including MSOS. CGC is kind of like an MSO ETF, because they have a ton of equity in MSO companies, so CGC will probably take off with SAFE.


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