1. I just found you and I LOVE the snark! Your voice and delivery is perfect. I've subscribed 'cause no one does the rundown so well. And yeah, the snark is awesome, just like spices in your favourite meal– not to much; perfectly to taste!👌

  2. I don't believe for a moment Robyn broke up the plural marriage. Before Robyn entered, the disfunction was already there. It's so easy to blame Robyn for everything, but I would look deeper. Meri, Janelle and Christine were mired in a dysfunctional relationship due to extreme jealousy and rivalry. Meri was brutal in her dealings with Janelle. Janelle is STILL reeling from the abuse.

    Meri is the common denominator in everyone's unhappiness. Meri's abuse didn't stop with the sister-wives, but it extended to the children. She has a terrible relationship with Janelle and Christine's children. Why??? Meri didn't foster a loving relationship with the other kids. Meri's aim was to control the entire brood. Something she COULD NOT DO. The children were loyal to their bio-mothers who loved and nurtured them.

    You reap what you sow, Meri!

    When I see Meri shed a tear, I cringe. I have very little empathy for Meri, except when her Mom passed. But, Meri isn't stupid. She saw her moment in Robyn. Robyn was warm, loving and loyal. Meri hand picked, Robyn. Let us not forget.

    Meri knew she would have Robyn's loyalty.


  3. Am I the only one who thought the ice cream bit was funny? Christine has said Gwendolyns humour is also uncomfortable I think it's a neurodivergent thing maybe Tony and mykeltis humour is the same they may be neurodivergent too? Idk I just thought it wasn't that deep it seemed like banter to me…

  4. Paedon stated ,” They were all excommunicated from the AUB after the show aired . I don’t think The Browns have any ties to their former church . I believe Christine was no longer a member when they moved to Vegas . They seem to portray as if they have current ties to the AUB . I believe it is opposite .

  5. Love your recaps. You were hilarious in much needed parts. Seriously, thank you for the therapy workbook information. Sadly, I couldn’t hear Tanner snoring.

  6. I fucking died when Kody said Janelle wants his for his hot pecks and six packs. Sir, you are a 6 on a good day and your personality makes you a 3. You have no right having this amount of confidence. The day I get half this man's ego, I am joining the catwalk

  7. Oh my God you nailed it again Heather at this point my favourite part of Sister wives show is your recaps Heather 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Kody and Robyn’s behaviour is so infuriating , they are so selfish I want to throw something at my TV screen and quit watching the show but than I get to watch ur recaps and I feel better ☺️ so thank you for doing this ❤❤❤❤

  8. you are wrong about Robyn not wanting to buy a house. The only house that met all of her requirements, that checked all her boxes, just happened to be adjacent to their property at Coyote Pass

    What a coincidence.

  9. Kody guffawing and stuttering when asked about Savannah makes one realize he simply did not expect Janelle to bring up his bad parenting in front of the cameras. Understood to him is that his wives cover up how horrid he is to the children.

  10. OMG 😂 your impression of Tony's speaking voice is hilarious! 😂 I love it! I am so glad I found your channel. Your Sister Wives commentary is the best! I watch about 4 other Sister Wives recap channels and yours is by far my favorite. You say everything I've been screaming at my TV since episode 1. Thank you

  11. Amazing episode Heather! I enjoyed it a lot! I especially enjoyed the part where you talk about therapy and break down how it works! I love that you're not only snarky, but you are also breaking down what's happening on a psychological level and how to take steps to improve ourselves using what we are seeing on the show as a common ground.

  12. Ruby franke & Jodi hildebrant have ruined the word distortion for me. I know it has its place in therapy and it is important to realize distortion in your emotions, but man those two put a whole new spin on it. And it's creepy.

  13. Colleen mykelti the bridge is hilarious. She thinks she has the right to tell who can show up for Christmas. She's taking a page out of her father's book by trying to humiliate her mother. I really don't like the way she treats her mother, she only nice to her when she wants to be on the show to make money

  14. @35:00 Looking at Kody's hair with those two curls hanging down gives the impression of frog legs hanging down off his head – like he just slapped a big frog over his baldness and got on with the day! 😅

  15. I am so happy I found your channel! I love watching please keep it up!! I know the copywrite system is a pain but you make good content and we want more!!!!!

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