Stop Wasting Your Money on These 4 USELESS Supplements!

Of the top 10 most popular supplements, 4 are a complete waste of your money, and a couple are downright harmful. My full …


  1. Hi Brad! I'm 27 & CoQ10 seems to be beneficial in preventing headaches for me. Is this more likely to be placebo? It's the only reason I supplement with CoQ10 🧐

  2. Does any supplements actually work as marketing claims? Seems not so much. Like they get a .00005 boost in one study so they just hammer on that part.

  3. As a person living in Poland, I can say that the recommendation to take only 1000 IUs a day of vitamin D is hogwash. In my latitude, in fall, winter and early spring you need about 5000 IU or more. My elderly parents take roughly 8-10k IUs daily, and that allows them to maintain healthy 25-OH-D3 levels. I expected better from dr Stanfield, than to spread Big-Pharma funded misinformation on dosing this critically important vitamin.

  4. Curcumin should always be ingested by eating Turmeric which has many beneficial uses ayurvedically. Turmeric must, however, be cooked with fat and some pepper for proper absorption. If you starting getting a yellow tint to your skin you're eating too much – don't overdo it.

  5. This guy should be ashame of himself to knock things like 5:36 curcumin with so much clinical rescearch behind it, he should take those self seving fake research and throw them in the ocean

  6. The phytic acid issue in regards to zinc is a myth, soaking and cooking sufficiently degrades phytates and your gut microbiome is well adept to further this process. White spots on the nails are indicative of a zinc deficiency, the lack thereof signifies adequate zinc status.

  7. Please be aware how this medical doctor is using scare tactics to create hyperbolic headlines as clickbait to increase his number of viewers and his own personal Fortune for he is making tens of thousands of dollars from your viewership that can only be driven by greed considering he is a medical doctor who is sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath!😢

  8. Could you review Beverly Hills MD Dermal repair complex? I use it and it really helped with crepey skin, but I started hyaluronic acid at the same time after seeing you take it. I don't know which one or if both work. The dermal repair is expensive but worht it if it works.

  9. Vitamin C was used to cure cancer by Linus Pauling Nobel Prize winner …. But you are comparing the chemical ascorbate to the natural vitamin C which is health promoting …. Turmeric was found in 500+ studies to prevent cancer and you trashed it … CoQ helps the heart … perhaps that's where you are lacking …

  10. i just "love" when they saying that there is lack of BENEFICIAL evidence . Of course it is, because it is NOT in there (pharmafia) interest . And most important thing WHO finance all of those "studies" you are talking about 🤔 so,give me a break with all those "studies" , we are not all sheep here 🐑🐑🐑

  11. I've been a subscriber for maybe 2 years.


    I have some serious health problems.

    The only thing that made nearly ressurect, because I have extreme terror attacks (I won't use none of the well known cute terms like : ptsd, general anxiety disorder nor any other ridiculous variations. Rather use words that best describe, most properly address things) –

    As I was saying, the only thing that made me RESSURECT was B-12.

    Made get out of bed like if it was nothing.

    It took me almost 3 days to start walking inside my house and then outside of the house.

    In less than a week I was walking around the park nearby, still struggling but there's no comparison to being stuck in a bed all days for about 10 years.

    I love JARROW SUPPLEMENTS So far it didn't disappoint me.

    Then I got Jarrow Theanine and it is like grabbing your brain back from from a terrorist.

    Then I found out some people, very healthy people, athletes take a huge dose prior to some few days before a competition, championship.

    My father is a Judo fighter since He was 17 and He said he and other athletes would take B 12 injections to increase resistance, stamina, and I got mad and I was angry because no one told me about that before.

    Answer: your doctor said you don't need it.


    Is it normal for someone to stay inside their house for let's say 3 days in a row?


    How come several doctors say I didn't need B 12?

    All of them were WRONG and I am the ONE who paid an extremely huge price for their irresponsibility.


    I will DESTROY the world,all charlatans will exist no longer.

    Everybody who takes advantage, make profit lying will be erased forever.

  12. Yeah so called clinical research and guidelines are so far behind it’s unreal! VitD I get tested every 6 month .. cvd reduced levels and now taking 5,000 to bump up with k2 but dr gave 20,000 per week to trick the system to bump up! Drs know they see it daily! Low levels cause all kinds of disease … turmeric if I don’t take it I feel inflammation in my body ..

  13. I agree probiotics supplements dont work however getting it from food Sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt you will greatly help your health. Cured my GERD with fermented foods.

  14. Daily recommended intake is mostly wrong. You usually need alot more. Foe example vitamin D3. If youre low, youd know 1000ius a day does almost nothing and it wont sustain an optimal level in the blood. For B1, taking 10 times to 20 times the DRI would make you feel and function alot better.

    Alot of current research are completetly wrong, poorly designed or misleading. DRs and PHDs seem unaware of some critical factors of how research and fundimg works.

  15. CQ10 is HUGELY beneficial for kidney disease sufferers. Research says that kidney disease is primarily caused by dysfunction in the mitochondria. Attenuating this with CQ10, SKQ1 and other mitochondrial agents have been researched and published as being very helpful to kidney disease patients.

  16. Not only is liposomal curcumin with black pepper oil highly effective, contrary to what you’re implying, it also has negative health affects on testosterone for part of the population.

    I generally enjoy your format, but cherry-picking meta-analysis that aren’t actually utilizing the most bio available forms of these supplements not only does a disservice to them, it’s basically misinformation even if curcumin isolated doesn’t seem to have any benefit. If a compound requires interactions with other compounds, of course that should be the focus.

    You need to look into these things you’re reporting on in-depth to make sure your takeaways reflect the cutting-edge, or stop engaging in reporting on them until you do.

    Leaning on a meta-analysis of curcumin instead of its most bioavailable form, saying the science doesn’t support effectiveness is disappointing and makes you a dubious source of commentary. Succinctly, do your homework or don’t bother. You’re doing more harm than good with misinformation like this. Liposomal curcumin with black pepper oil is one of the safest anti inflammatory compounds known, full-stop.

    The fact that you barely mention it’s most bio-available form and completely missed the negative effects it can have on testosterone makes you a less effective science communicator on the subject than even ChatGPT 4, which I just checked with a simple query that uncovered even more benefits and drawbacks than I even knew from beforehand; and certainly not things you touched on.

    You gotta do better than a relatively cheap AI. Or just don’t. If you’re not genuinely interested in these compounds and you’re just trying to make interesting content, please don’t.

    How am I supposed to have any confidence in your reporting, let alone your supplements with this kind of flub? And I’m only speaking on behalf of the one thing in this video I happen to know a decent amount about. I have no idea what else you got wrong.

    Do better. Please.

    And maybe use ChatGPT 4 to help you out next time you want to make a listicle. Just ask it for the research papers related to your query for due-diligence. It makes a poor professor but a great research assistant. Emphasis on 4. 3.5? Kinda garbage. Pay the $20/month.

    I hope I never run across another so-poorly researched video from you. I was considering buying your multivitamin but after this? My confidence is quite low.

  17. Good Lord … I have all of these in my cupboard … I am going to throw them all away and just eat a donut and enjoy myself and die,,, fat and happy, I TRIED,

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