1. Let’s legalize federally!! How are we the United States but we go to jail for smoking in some states but legal in others, this makes no sense!!

  2. Hey Brent, just because everyone's values don't align with yours don't mean they are any less valuable. Man, I hate Commies!!… just no room in America for yalls one-sided BS all the time.

  3. Awesome! Indiana needs to get on with it and legalize also. A lot of states have a cannabis culture that covers all walks of life. I’m glad Michigan has great prices and lax weed laws compared to Illinois. Growing at home is key for legalization.

  4. This is really good news. And this is what God would want for the people on earth. And the Earth's people need to also switch over to using hemp resources like plastic made from hemp and etc etc. And make homes made from hemp materials and etc etc. And the money coming from marijuana sales can go towards housing for the homeless people and poor people. And each home can be hooked up to solar panels. And then the Earth's people can slowly switch over to green technology that will be supplied freely by the marijuana money/funds. And just think how much more we can for the people on earth. Marijuana money can save a lot of people here in the U.S. Anyway I hope y'all get what I'm saying. Let's start saving one another by using marijuana money.

  5. Congrats Minnesota 👏 👏. I would Like to finally see some progress down here in the good ole boy states but unfortunately republicans in power in the southern states don’t personally like it so that means no one gets to enjoy the same freedoms as all the blue states that have legalized it. And that folks is one of the reasons I’m no longer a Republican. I’m SICK AND TIRED OF REPUBLICANS TRYInG TO CONTROL MY LIFE and tell me or my family what I can or can’t do. I had two tours in Afghanistan, wounded twice and permanently lost about 80% of my hearing. Weed doesn’t completely take away some of my pain but it helps. But more importantly it helps me with my PTSD. It makes me more calm around people and in crowds. I shouldn’t have to move to a blue state to get legal weed. Look at a map of the country and fill in each state that legalized it blue and it literally looks like an election map . Republicans are a cancer to this nation and they hold all of us back. It makes me disappointed at myself that up until around 2018 I supported that cartoon party

  6. Congrats Minnesota! This should make the black markets mary jane obsolete. The lessons from the alcohol prohibition were learned after all. If there is a demand for something illegal or not there will be people to fulfill that demand 😊

  7. It is still illegal to drive under the influence of anything, including legal drugs and legally prescribed medications. So, I do not see how law enforcement thinks there will be issues with drivers. Legal or not people still drive under the influence of cannabis, so I doubt this will increase that. Also I doubt people that never used cannabis will rush out and start using.

  8. Ugh, why even highlight that "skewed priorities" comment? It's total BS – Not our fault that a little under half of the legislature is solely focused on trying to block anything that the other part of the body does. Not voting based on what their constituents think/want, but rather voting how their party tells them to.

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