We’re getting a look at the plan to get legal, recreational marijuana into the hands of people in Maryland — 21 and older — by July …
Hopefully we will quickly realize how wrong it was to extort medical patients certified by a doctor with 10+ several hundred dollar fees over 5 years ever few months to years that must be paid to purchase a medicine they need without government persecution remember if you’re on probation for any crime you get drug tested and thus you are required to pay these fees minimum for the duration of your probation or likely go to jail or prison
Hopefully we will quickly realize how wrong it was to extort medical patients certified by a doctor with 10+ several hundred dollar fees over 5 years ever few months to years that must be paid to purchase a medicine they need without government persecution remember if you’re on probation for any crime you get drug tested and thus you are required to pay these fees minimum for the duration of your probation or likely go to jail or prison
My ( Endocannabinoid System ) needs Cannabinoids