1. Is this a fucking joke?.. I hope so because Marijuana has NEVER killed a human being by using in our history. But our government is too money greedy to actually help their people instead of killing their own people every single day with all the prescriptions they hand out like candy to the people so we can be nice and stupid! Great country.. Haha

  2. it is easy to learn but very very tough to unlearn something that is taught to you since you were kid.Govts & Pharma co. have made demon of canabis plant.Even after so much reasearch done individuals govts are not willing to accept benifits of medical canabis nor are willing to do their own research.

  3. If that kid who started smoking when he was 13 was addicted to alcohol instead, he would be dead! Insomnia, Irritability, nausea? I don't think that's too bad for someone who is "addicted"

  4. It's wrong to blame peoples problems on a drug. People with problems can abuse anything. Games, sex, porn, food drugs etc. People are talking about substances like there is a difference. For instance, here in Sweden we are talking about alcohol and drugs like alcohol isn't a drug. Alcohol is as much of a drug as anything else and it's legal. Most people here believe in the "gateway-theory" that if you smoke pot you eventually try harder drugs. Just stupid. I really hope we can get a legalisation here eventually.

  5. Pharmaceutical companies are just hating that Mother Earth's natural medicine is the Real and only medicine for our ailments and diseases. You can't fabricate medicine that is already provided for you by your creator. We are all made of the earth. If we are sick it's because we are out of alignment with Her.

  6. May GOD-ALAH-BUDAH whatever GOD or Belief BLESS the Brothers FOREVER…that made this grown big Man tear up like a little boy~~Bless your wee family and all who you help~~Wox By the way if you want to smoke canibus use a VOLCANO so much safer and healthier~

  7. weed would be completely different if it were treated as medical product. Of young person needs medical marijuana then they would receive a high cbd oil for medical use. The marijuana higher in tch wouldn't be able for minors to purchase. This would be similar to beer without alcohol. With education even adults may use marijuana for their medical benefits rather than to get high.
    Then there's the opiate problem and where marijuana would have helped if cannabinoids were studied properly able to prescribe proper ratios for pain and lower inflammation in one dose. We wouldn't have normal people addicted to opiates and we wouldn't find those pills on streets and in our medicine cabinets.
    I am really looking for ways to "get me foot" in the door for the opportunity of marijuana because there is so much that needs to change about addiction and how drug reform is carried out in general but there is much growth in all sectors to be had.

  8. These were very sick people choice was take drugs that don't solve their issue or try this amazing solution if you can't see charlottes transformation from 300 seizures a week to one you need to work on your intelligence

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