1. I would think you would make sure your client had copies of everything I was going to question him about. I think Judge is giving her some of her attitude back. lol I get her point but wow! Talk about nasty! I don't blame her for not wanting to do it for him at all, so don't take my comment wrong here.

  2. Ms. Buchanan stated she receives Medicaid. Medicaid will cover doctor visits to diagnosis her self-declared, “social anxiety disorder”. She may absolutely have a diagnosable condition and it can be hard to ask for help…but going years without seeking a diagnosis isn’t helping her or her children. Her Medicaid will cover the full cost.

  3. As a single mom with sole custody who receives #CS I'm so against parents being put in jail for back #CS especially when they are working!!! There are SO many other ways to get #ChildSupport out of the other Parent if they have a job! Other than throwing people in jail just long enough to lose their jobs, home & vehicle is not going to help these people ketch up or pay off the support if anything this is a dangerous, some parents may do self harm or harm the other parent & children!

  4. What business Is it of attorney Shafer on her billing. Who is he exactly to be able to question that? He is very rude and I'm surprised. The judge is letting him get away with that. I guess the judge and him are buddy buddies.

  5. It seems like attorney Shafer is jealous of her accomplishments. He is not only condescending but you can tell hes trying to put her down. He is jealous. And judge, you better start standing up and not letting him get away with everything like you have been. Because that is prejudiced against you. And it's not fair to the female attorney or her client.

  6. To the a female attorney who was representing doctor tobacca. Keep on doing a good job. That other attorney is it's not your responsibility to supply him with what he needs. He needs to go after those things himself and display them himself. Not count on you to do it. That's wrong, and a judge is wrong for let him get away with that.

  7. Wow that would again buchanan is sure telling lies about her financial situations. You can tell that by her answers and the way she looks away. Her poor children stuck with the mother like that.

  8. That guy is crazy. You can tell by her demeanor she is not gonna let them have or change custody of those children if she is awarded full custody for now. All she sees dollar signs, She's not working and I can tell you right now. She is not trustworthy. Dude, you better get your head up out of your butt and start recognizing.

  9. She is laying up in bed and isn't court. And the judge is clueless and doesn't hold her accountable. She's also talking and looking at someone else. And if you watch her demeanor you could tell that.

  10. Like the dad or not, I think he is entitled to reimbursement of atty fees. Whether you agree with her cost or not, the fall into reasonable billing fees & us the amount being paid by the dad. Maybe if judges awarded fees more often instead of constanly finding parties in contempt but no nothing about it – maybe parties would think twice breaking such orders by doing whatever the hell they want. Rules need to apply to everyone – including moms who typically get warning after warning for contempt. If you have to spend more money to force the other party to abide by the order – the injured party shouldn't have to pay for it.

  11. In our office – billing is done in .15 increments (minimum charged is .15). So listening to & returning a voice-mail or a having a 5 minute conversation will be billed as .15. $400 an hourly rate would be $100 for that voice-mail or quick conversation.

  12. She gets assistance paying her utilities. And has a job. She wants claim anxiety as a cop out. If she was a man – she would lose her license & be in jail long ago. She hasn't paid in yrs except to avoid jail. The first few times should of been plenty of opportunities!

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