1. I am SO SICK of the "cash grab" surrounded by legal cannabis. I don't feel bad at all if you loose your shirt investing in weed. We ALL know this is a long drawn out process and the rich jumped on the ban wagon to try and be top dog in the market. I don't care that you got rich and I don't care if you loose it all.

  2. Go figure California is again screwing over smaller businesses with their regulations and taxes. That’s what happens when you run out businesses and rich people and leave no one else to take money from

  3. Prop 64 should have never been passed to begin with. If they had just prop.215 in place we would not be here, but this was caused by those who voted for prop 64 blindly instead of reading exactly what prop 64 was all about and now we have this situation on taxes being to high and being passed along to the consumers and retail shops. The market would be much better if they just gave permits and licenses to the mom and pop operations

  4. Leftist always think you can tax weed and the government will get a ton of money 💰 Does a government that is trillions of dollars in debt deserve our tax money? At this point, it's obvious the government is way too reckless with our money for us to give them another dime.

  5. They want to make it so hard for small family businesses so that major corporations can step in and monopolize the market. I’m so tired of this never ending corruption

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