1. I started carnivore 10 days ago. I did my research and watched you tube videos looking for answers to stop inflammation as I aged, because my doctors had no answers. I would periodically do 3 day water fast and realized I had no pain during the fast, but as soon as I started eating, I would hurt again.I then knew it was food related. I prayed I'd be shown what to do to end the pain and when I stumbled across Carnivore (cause I had done Keto and Intermittent fasting) and in just 10 days of eating just meat and fat, my pain was gone! I started reading about how plants (oxilates) are bad for us, etc., and then your channel came up on my feed and I am so glad I found you guys. It is further confirmation and reinforcement that this is it! Thank you for your informative and fun videos. God Bless!

  2. Oh man! I can't believe you just said "So some kind of way, you were supposed to be right here at this video." I am wearing a necklace that says "I am exactly where I am meant to be" (in morse code dots). Edited because I finished watching, lol. Oh my gosh, this is THE best video on the carnivore diet I have seen. Thank you! I will be reporting back with my success!

  3. I really needed to hear this today. I am doing this on my own without any support. I have been really struggling, I have started 3 times already and as soon as I get to day 3, I blow it 🤦🏼‍♀️. I can’t seem to get past that 3rd day. I really really need and want to do this. Thank you for your videos ❤

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