1. For those who don’t know, re: the case at 22:00 , OI is osteogenesis imperfecta, aka brittle bone disease. The child they are discussing isn’t just medically fragile in the usual sense, she is literally fragile as glass. These kids typically break coming out of the womb. Clutter and dirty laundry around the house may not normally be a big concern, but for this child, a cluttered home would impair mobility and could be a threat to the child’s life. Poor baby. 😔

  2. 40:00 – requesting parent's visit on the weekend – child requires therapeutic visits. State employees are allowed to have time off too – asking them to do a weekend visit is not fair to the worker's family. Getting a therapist to work on a weekend is like finding a needle in the haystack.

  3. Sad little boy has a wonder family and mom thinks 1 week of sobriety and she should be part of his life ….no way , the damage this make if she again will fail and go back into the drug life ….

  4. 1st mother doesn’t really want kids back or she’d work on sobriety. Using the excuse of judge said not to come back if backslide shows she still isn’t owning her screw up.
    No child deserves to be treated this way, in your life for your benefit.!! Do you moms and dads not realize how you’re breaking the child’s spirit and heart ?!!
    Now she thinks she’s got a cash cow with her daughters GI issue.

  5. I've known people and been in situations myself where it's give up everything you have, (surrender to win), stop paying rent to enter and start paying a long term rehabilitation (starting with detox) facility program lasting up to two years. Immerse yourself in recovery for who knows how long…
    But Id meet the long term clients and saw how they lived their lives at home. Our little group of friends stayed in touch with the little hospital, a beautiful old place, and would be invited home to dinner with some of the nurses working there. They loved us and we loved them. It was in the late 80s, lots of money in drug and alcohol treatment, and not like it is now. But if she wanted to, she could have so much more than just her children back. She could have hope, faith in herself and most of all, learn with a clear head how to make good choices to be the best Mama she wanted to be. She's young. She can do it. Her children's hearts are at stake here.
    I would never have had a child 21 years ago, (very late in life), if not for those hundreds – (or thousands, if you count my meetings which still go on now -) of recovery angels out there.❤🙏🏻🌎🕊🫶🏼🌻☮️🛐🔼

  6. The second case is so infuriating! I hate how the courts drag these cases out so long because it's hurting the kids even more than the mother did. She obviously doesn't want to put the work in to get her kids back so she should let them go so they can have a good life

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