With recreational marijuana coming, concerns over addiction pitfalls

Now that recreational marijuana will be legal in a couple of weeks in Missouri, the state is dealing with some potential pitfalls from …


  1. All of those are non issueโ€™s. You just said it anyone 21 and up can buy not kids. Cannabis is not addictive, Cannabis is not a gateway drug. Cannabis is not a drug . Cannabis is a plant , a flower, a botanical. Drugs are chemicals that are made in a lab and are mixed together to form a certain type of chemical that you can call a drug.

  2. Everything is "addictive" it depends on your personality. Teens that want to smoke can smoke now off the streets. It won't be more now that they Can't legally buy in a store. Her numbers on users CO. Vs MO only exists because you can now process the sales data. Those numbers can not be determined while illegal thru a questionnaire that people may or may not answer truthfully. As for driving and employment, Its not hard. You can't be high and drive or be at work high. Its the same with alcohol. Nothing that can't be addressed. No test to determine how high a person is at work. Well you couldn't do that when it was illegal. Sorry but the down side to illegality is far worse consequences than being legal safely grown,tested, and packaged.

  3. An irrefutable fact, you do not experience anything even remotely comparable to alcohol withdrawals or pharmaceutical withdrawals even if your a avid cannabis user.
    If your so worried about addiction you should follow up this cannabis hit piece with a 3 part series.

    Next being
    1)The effects/health consciences of alcohol addictions
    2)The effects/health consciences of pharmaceutical addictions.
    3) A side by side comparison of all 3 substances, side effects, addictions and health risks/benefits.
    WITH ALL potential side effects listed by manufacturer.

    You wont do that though because we all know the alcohol and pharmaceuticals are way more destructive than cannabis by orders of magnitude.

    The cannabis hysteria is OVER, it was a huge lie and to be Frank anyone ignorant enough to continue comparing the risks of cannabis as being equal to or worse than that of opioid addiction or alcoholism is a complete uneducated moron.

    A simple search of the human bodies endocannabinoid system and the relationship between the cannabinoids in cannabis refutes practically everything you've claimed.
    That is a medical fact, not as you put it a "potential risk" inwich you cannot scientifically or medically confirm, otherwise you would have.

  4. Laura Beirut answer this please, how are white people in Netherlands and other white European countries able to smoke and have an economy, working military, doctors and lawyers. When I was in Amsterdam I seen lawyers, doctors and professionals smoking weed. All I could do was laugh. I realize anywhere that is too โ€œDiverseโ€ will never be able to smoke in peace. Move to white demographic states or countries if you want to enjoy. Racism truly is alive and kicking. The earth started with us, but you say we canโ€™t have a plant. Go to hell

  5. We need to address addiction as it is and create as many addiction clinics as possible. For people who really need a way out, we need to enable them with public funding and encouragement. There is no shame in wanting to become clean. Massachusetts has a good program.

  6. There is no physical addiction to marijuana. I have used it for 50 years and never had a problem just abstaining for weeks or years. The psychological addicted person and population is about 8-10% of total population. We should not base our laws on them but the total population otherwise we would outlaw nearly everything. Your kids donโ€™t know what drug is in their weed. Today it most likely is fentanyl. Now you learned something

  7. Well, the young kids can't buy it. They can go into dad's liquor cabinet and drink whatever they want available to them. I guess that's okay though right, been like that for years. Give me a break.

  8. Everyone has a story they tell themselves. Cannabis the proper term is and can be used as medicine and is less addictive then coffee. The reason people have problems is cause they are not educated with it, which is just plane ignorance to begin with.

  9. Science and widespread experience have shown marijuana has no notable harms. – Smart employers prefer their workers consume near harmless marijuana (at home, after work), rather than addictive, very harmful, violence inducing, traffic carnage causing, hangover producing alcohol.

  10. Marijuana is not alcohol. The preponderance of the research shows marijuana consumption is not a significant cause of auto accidents. โ€” In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that while drunken driving dramatically increased the risk of getting into an accident, there was no evidence that using marijuana heightened that risk.

  11. Addiction involves withdrawal symptoms that are so severe, they compel continuous use to be avoided. Marijuana doesn't have them so is NOT addictive. That's one of the many things consumers like about it.

  12. i smoke weed constantly here in colorado and im a hottub tech in aspen i smoke every single second of the day and in Colorado there is a lot of driving and my job is mostly driving. On the other hand if i was to smoke a cigarette and drive i would defiantly wreck. I have the same tolerance to cannabis as all the cigarette smokers in Missouri, People are so brainwashed at how cannabis affects the human body. Pregnant women produce a form of CBD in their breast during feeding. The only reason we can get "high" on cannabis is because we were born with cannabinoid receptors in our entire bodies. Oh goodness our children will be so much more educated on this i hope. It really shows how the human race can be brainwashed and controlled to the point where you think a PLANT will get you just as impaired as a fermented liquid. lmao

  13. Teenage Marijuana use went down in Colorado. I'm from Mississippi and i started smoking at 12. There are no 12 year olds smoking in Colorado in the legal years lol

  14. I am in recovery and in Kentucky I can't take pain meds and I tell you this for any tightwads out there this helps in so many ways for me I have pain so much that I can't sleep weed is not a gateway drug people who are weak-minded are the gateways I will smoke or use any type of herb regardless of jail or fines just one day good night sleep is worth any risk

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