When You’re Stressed & Anxious, the Dominoes Continue to Fall

Stress and anxiety sucks yet many of us are faced with it daily. When you’re stressed and anxious, it feels like the dominoes …


  1. It's insane how alcohol is still legal and so easily accessible. It's one of the biggest lies of the century, and legalized and socially acceptable toxin. What helped me quit it were books like The Easy Way to Stop Drinking by Carr and 30 Days to Sobriety by Harper Daniels, I recommend both together, they teach mindful approaches and reasoning. It's a terrible habit to have.

  2. Stress is the most harmful thing and if we learn how to manage it and appreciate all good things we have and not worry about what we don’t have and try to lean toward positive energy we’ll be in better place!

  3. I've found interviewing people in a few questions is very telling. One question is: How would you feel about a cold shower. A good amount will say "Oh hell no" they are probably so far metabolically broken. I know that because i was. A teenager who is active and out doors, i've asked. A cousin. Oh, no problem, sounds great, lets go out side in the snow. or ice bath. The body can break the mental flexibility too. It's very challenging to overcome. My first cold cold shower was eye piercing and awakening. Just try it once. If you mentaly can't, that's a clue. These talks are vey humbling, sad, exciting and now a days so, Typical. Great work in your own journey everyone. We are all here for one thing. Healing and happiness.

  4. At 71 I can relate to your story. Drank heavily in my twenties. Quit when I was twenty-six. Became extremely health-conscious in my mid-thirties. Began reading everything I could find in order to avoid becoming another medical statistic. Realized something was very wrong in the world my wife and I lived in. Wrote a book entitled "Evolution of a Wellness Revolution." I also wrote another book entitled, "Biohacking, Proven Science of Wellness." Went on a campaign to help others recognize they can live healthy in an unhealthy world. It does take patience and commitment, however. We both KNOW there are forces at work to undermine our health and well-being in so many ways. Education is key/king. Design a strategy then work towards implementing your plan. I appreciate what you've done and your desire to help others not fall into the same deep dark hole that we both crawled out of many years ago. Keep up the GREAT work!!!

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