1. I have adhd I take medication during the day but at night when it wears off I need something to smooth me out help me sleep…. So my question is this can I get my medical card and still be prescribed my adhd medication?

  2. Thank you Riley, and Dr. Rosen! This is exactly the information my wife needed! Riley, the advantages of meeting you never cease! And all because you were my kind of hockey player. I hope we can actually have coffee sometime.

  3. So even if there’s no record of having anxiety you could still take that and decide for yourself? And also I got 2rods in my knee that causes a lot of pain every now and then from the cold weather would that help getting approved by a doctor?

  4. herbology is the worst dispensary. first off the one in morton has 4-5 yellow vested security goons out front intimidating the whole neighborhood with their excessive presence and drawing attention to you and the whole experience. i was not even a patient at the time but i live here tho and i am sick of walking by this trap house because that is what you make it look like with all your security guards outside. they even leave herbology property and walk around the neighboring lot as if it is theirs. complete disgrace. there is an opioid epidemic and pharmacy's don't have this sorta of show of force security. give me a break. just so you ppl know i have received my medical card and i live less than 1/2 mile from herbology and i will NEVER and i mean NEVER buy from this place. not to mention their menu is terrible and atm they are out of flower entirely if you look on their menu. i realize that is temporary but c'mon man black market cannabis is better, cheaper and less intimidating to buy than buying from herbology so good job morons keep up the shitty work. i'll be driving to Rise or some other place that doesn't act like they are selling illegal narcotics or something with 5 security guards hovering around the sidewalks and neighboring parking lots

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