Will New George Floyd Autopsy Evidence Bring Derek Chauvin Retrial? W/ Jonna Spilbor & Arthur Aidala

Megyn Kelly is joined by Jonna Spilbor, founding attorney of Jonna Spilbor Law, and Arthur Aidala, host of the Arthur Aidala …


  1. It's about bloody time.
    Did no one actually watch the trail ?
    I did from the UK . Not something I normally do but I did.
    No neck injury and not kneeling on his neck. Doctor said had this not happened and Floyd was found dead in his apartment later it would be a clear overdose. He had took a more than lethal dose and was still trying to take more fentanyl.
    I watched the whole of the evidence and not a doubt this police officer was innocent and just doing his job.
    I mean in what country do politicians announce the verdict before the trail and compensate the family.
    As for the jury how was that fair. If you don't find him guilty you got to go into protective custody along with your family or the job will lynch you. That's like making a decision with a gun to your head . Officer Chauvin deserves a bloody medal . Don't even think somewhere like North Korea would have the cheek to hold such a trail.
    Why do you even have courts any more ?
    Derek Chauvin is in prison for doing his duty and Patrice Colors sits in one of her mansions bought with stolen money having helped put him there.
    That's American justice ???????

  2. Unless the Medical Examinar lied under oath, there is no appeal. The defense had the ME on the stand and had the opportunity to asked all the questions he wanted.

  3. Doesn't matter, really. The delusional masses will still cry murder, racism, and oppression. The truth never mattered to these folks to begin with.

  4. Chauvin did not murder George Floyd. Floyd died because his use of Fentynal impaired his ability to process oxygen from the air he breathed. I think he needs to be released from jail but not be re-instated as a police officer. He did exhibit excessive force, but George Floyd died from use of Fentynal.

  5. Yeah Jonna He is not Black so he wont get a fair trial. That's what you just said Supreme Court could care less that a innocent man is locked up when he is a white police officer locked up and discarted to keep Blacks from burning down cities .The real culprit is the EVIL LEFTIST NEWS THAT PROMOTED THE NARRATIVE.

  6. If the neighborhoods recovered, Minnesota would take it up so they would burn again. They already had this info and went and got different info to charge them. They showed a video from a different angle showing he wasn’t on his neck. This is America today. Good job everyone! I left that leftest s#!t hole when this and there crazy lockdowns we’re going on. Give Minnesota to Canada please.

  7. The problem is, even if he gets a new trial and has it in Minnesota. The state is so corrupt beyond retrieval, starting at the state attorneys office. It won’t matter what evidence is presented it will not be allowed to suffice. The jury will not under any circumstances convict. BLM will hold Minnesota hostage as it has now since 2020. It’s nice to dream I agree , but Minnesota is not the place to seek for justice when it comes to any racial incident. A native Minnesotan I speak from experience. Before 2020 I was proud to be born in Minnesota post 2020. It is a shame I must bear. The state of Minnesota is Seattle Portland, San Francisco, LA, Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and New York philosophically dumped into one arrogant state.

  8. Police skin color = guilty.
    What Minneapolis should do is send only black officers to black neighborhoods. If that had been done, Floyd could still have swallowed the full bag of fentanyl + barbituates and lived.

  9. Of course the FACTS do NOT match up with the public and mainstream media's NARRATIVE! Floyd was NOT a good person in any way shape or form but just because he was a black man. The democrats created the BS "systemic racism" and wanted to create chaos to cover up the fact that the 2022 election was RIGGED; and to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE ARE DIVIDED and black Americans continue to ignorantly vote for them.

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