1. Can you speak on choline intolerance in certain individuals? I can’t eat eggs anymore without feeling like shit. Energy drinks with Alpha GPC or CDP Choline feel awful too, or other supplements like Hyperzine A.

  2. I will say, your applied logic to buying meat from a local butcher contradicts buying your reason to not buy raw milk. You would buy raw milk from a local farmer for the same reason. It’s going to be a better product overall, healthier cows, better feed, better conditions for the animals.

  3. Ama: I was wondering if you know anyways to help acid reflux I’m a teenager and my parents want to put me on medication but I want to know if there are any better alternatives? Thank you and I like the vids.

  4. AMA questions: How do I make time? (My schedule during basketball season is, I wake up at 6: 00am leave by 6: 15 for strength training for football, then at 7: 30 I go to school until 3: 15, right after basketball practice starts until 6: 00pm, after I eat my supper then shower and do homework until 7: 30-8: 00 and go to bed as soon as I can after. Btw I’m 13y/o) so what I’m really asking is how do I make time for friends and family?

    How would you balance my sports? (I play football, basketball, baseball, run track, and do some fielding events. My best sport is football by far.)

  5. Brendan I injured my shoulder wrestling and I’m not going to be able to train. I am also in a calorie deficit to make weight. I know I’m gonna lose muscle but how can I limit it and long will it take to come back?

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