Q SCIENCES SCANDAL & LAWSUIT | Independent testing exposes the company, top ambassador sued #ANTIMLM

hannahalonzo #antimlm #qsciences I am creating these videos for entertainment and educational purposes. Please do not …


  1. I can’t imagine this happening. Just as an example, CBD oil is often marketed as anti-anxiety, and it has no effect on schizophrenia. However, THC can worsen schizophrenia symptoms. Imagine taking something for your anxiety only to have your other illness get worse with absolutely no explanation. Horrifying.

  2. The comment section is full of important impacts this could have – but for me the issue is CONSENT. People have a right to know what they are consuming and putting in their bodies. That is NOT for an MLM scammer to decide for me.

  3. This is absolutely insane! As a new lawyer, this would make me furious if I failed a drug test because of this, specially considering I have NEVER smoked weed, or done any drugs!

  4. I'm guessing they did test their product and also found THC, but doing a recall would be like admitting to a federal offense since I'm sure this stuff is shipped through the mail and across state lines. THC products are still illegal on a federal level. not to even mention the breaches in FDC labeling regulations

  5. Unfortunately searching “Qtwist Calm” mainly brings a bunch of people selling the stuff, the only article about Tara is behind a site that requires a signup.

    Great video though. I always really enjoy your content.

  6. I am amazed that no one has been at least suspicious before? I use gummies to help me sleep, and I work hard to time it so that I sleep the high off, cause I hate the feeling. 3-5 mg isn’t much, but there should be some psychotropic effects, especially in sensitive people. It would be hard to miss! Maybe if someone has never been high before, they would just assume their body doesn’t like the product? But surely stories will start to come out after this.

  7. I'm hoping you'll see this comment Hannah. A thought I had is to get it to be required in highschool to learn about MLMs and other potential scams a person might encounter as an adult. To hopefully reduce the number of people joining MLMs after they turn 18. It should be nationwide to learn about this. I have no idea how to do this. Hopefully someone who follows you or a connection you have would know how to help change the education on MLMs and other preventative measures for being a victim overall fraud/commercial cult wise. I'm not sure if this is even possible but worth a shot.

  8. I think there is an additional level of legal peril in this case because there are still states where selling THC containing products is a felony. Particularly in the volumes at which they would be selling these products to some of their distributors, there could be genuine criminal risk if it came out that the company was knowingly shipping products with THC to places where they are a Schedule 1 controlled substance.

  9. “Safe for children” 🤯

    Also full spectrum CBD by definition contains small amounts of THC (usually very small amounts and it is usually undetectable by drug tests but claiming you have a full spectrum CBD with no THC is simply not a thing)

  10. I feel like they are also missing the point it's ILLEGAL for them to sell thc products in many states and without a license in the states that its allowed. There are many guidelines and laws when selling thc and each states has different laws. (I worked at a dispensary and live in a state where it's legal)

  11. I had cousin selling Q, I gently mentioned she had joined an mlm, just trying to watch out for her. Of course one of her "friends", another Q rep, twisted my words saying I didnt "know her heart" and she's a good person. I never said anything about my cousins character or her heart, but cultist gotta cult. She was giving this stuff to her small girls, who's cute photos she uses to sell the products. It's all so gross.

  12. In Oklahoma, where it's medically legal… they must test a sample for every ten pounds of product per type. The Farm bill does allow under 0.03 but you cannot falsify information period. This is super shady and makes the industry look terrible. Shame on them

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