1. I smoke regularly, and I mean it's pretty obvious that inhaling any kind of smoke increases the risk for these conditions. However. There are far worse things to consume that dont even get half the scrutiny.

  2. The very doctor himself said they are just "starting" to understand, and none of the studies you mention have legitimized. Quit jumping to conclusions on things you don't know facts about yet.

  3. Stop spreading fake information and just saying “we don’t know how it does damage.” It’s not the weed that causes the heart disease, it’s all the outside forces that come into play WHILE you’re high. People tend to over eat and some smokers don’t exercise when they’re high but they want to say it’s cause BY smoking weed when we’ve had so many years of research. I don’t buy it, this would’ve been discovered a long time ago.

  4. Put a sock in it! 😂 There may still be a lot of dumb people in the world but everyone has woken up to your mainstream media bullshit! Who funded the research? Who do they receive funding from? Stoners aren’t naive

    Not to mention all this fear mongering doesn’t contextualise this with what ALCOHOL does and the rate at which is does.

  5. Data even from Pfizer reveal the post injections problems include heart and stroke injuries. Data for many decades prove cannabis does not cause heart injury nor strokes. Isaiah 35:4-7;Most importantly God in heaven will save humanity from themselves via His Kingdom arriving in the future. And following the great Tribulation Matthew 24:20; Jesus Christ the Son of God will exercise power of rule in Kingdom authority and jurisdiction on a throne – Luke 1:31-33; Matthew 25:31,32 – 40. **John 18:36 -Jesus Kingdom is NOT of this present World. As we can observe. Psalm 31:24 -> "Hope in the LORD"

  6. Yall just lost alot of viewers and money forever after you just put out this 1950s bs that nobody believes anymore. I hope you're Channel & YouTube page go broke now.

  7. So does eating sugar and processed foods, aging & stress due to how expensive everything is now. Who cares we are all going to die, quit pretending to give a F about what someone puts in their own body.

  8. Does working 5 days a week versus 4 also increase the risk of heart attack? How about making less than 100k, that have an effect on mortality and stress? Want to make that illegal since we care sooo much about the health of Americans 🙄

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