💥S2E16: Why Dr. Tennant is Absolutely Appalled!

Why’s he appalled? Plus some great info from Dr Mark on CBD & THC, RSO, Charlotte’s Web, and Rhonda Posey’s amazing …


  1. I have all this and cannot get the intractable pain diagnosis. In Florida I am exempt if i can get diagnosed, but if you do get diagnosed doctors are still not willing to go to bat for these patients. Palliative care and Intractable pain are exempt in Florida but Doctors are still threatened by the DEA,DOJ . My BP and HR have been super high for10 years and I have told my doctors that this is because my pain is not controlled. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, Klippel Feil Syndrome, Syringomyelia, scoliosis, Spina bifida Occulta…..My KFS has caused a giant osteophyte o press on my spinal cord and cause cysts in my spinal cord as well. These are inoperable and causing ing lots of damage to my small nerve fibers and HR and BP

  2. Dr. I, thank you for explaining to the community that CBD does not work well alone, it’s like a puzzle piece that fits together with THC. I’ve been using MMJ for 12 years for my pain. RSO is a lifesaver for me.

  3. I have had constant pain for 40 years. Cervical fractures and disc disorders.
    I take methadone, Oxycodone, Clonazepam, Gabapentin,Predisone & oxytocin, testosterone, peptides and I am doing fairly well.
    I have had no positive CBD-THC experience.
    If I test positive for THC I’m on the street.
    Please warn legitimate opioid prescribed patients about the consequences of dirty drug tests.

  4. Thank you Jaime, for all of your contributions to the pain community. You're such a beautiful and lovely lady with a compassionate caring heart for people in pain. What little pain medication that I'm currently prescribed has now been out of stock for months, with no end in sight according to my pharmacist. I didn't ask for any of this as I developed Adhesive Arachnoiditis from a spinal fusion surgery gone bad, where in my Neurosurgeon's surgical notes he stated he scraped a hole in my Dura trying to remove scar tissue from a prior Synovial cyst removal, causing a massive spinal fluid leak needing multiple blood patch surgeries. I'll never forget those spinal headaches, or being flat on my back for almost a month till I was released to go home. I don't necessarily blame my Neurosurgeon nor am I upset with him. But he felt so bad about what happened to me that he prescribed me an ample amount of pain medication for over 3 years. His surgical nurse told me that he's never done before for any patient. Unfortunately, I was dropped by 2 pain management clinics that he referred me to, because I said absolutely no to a spinal cord stimulator or ESI's….I couldn't take that chance because the success rate for those devices are very very low, and I cannot afford having more scar tissue developing on my Spinal cord.

    My Primary Care Doctor is currently prescribing me pain medication, but not necessarily for my pain, but because of my dangerously high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. BP medication did not help much, but pain medication brought those numbers down to acceptable levels. I think he feels more comfortable prescribing me pain meds for my high blood pressure and high HR, vs for my pain. How long will this last? Who knows…..but I can't keep living with this level of pain indefinitely.

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