1. Even if Elon saves Twitter and free speech singlehandedly, the federal government is already to strong. Social credit and federal digital currency is coming. I won't be prepping or buying guns or anything. I'll just sit back and laugh while everything falls apart.

  2. The fact that many humans will actually put a microchip in their heads tells me that humanity is to stupid to survive. So yeah, I think civilization is doomed, just for different reasons.

  3. congratulations on your new CBD products JP. iv been taking a full spectrum cbd for a couple years now, it helps control my seizures and as a bonus it gives me the most vivid dreams! ill have to give that nano stuff of yours a try.

  4. No way this guy is a genius like everyone makes him out to be. I’ve never heard him say one profound thing. He just talks real slow and pauses before answering questions sometimes. He is an intelligence plant.

  5. Elon loves Joe's strain of weed., so much He goes into buffering mode for days or months compilating a justification for his Government Welfare recipience to an innovative control eliminating the human brain function/independence to a functional compliant slave. Then becomes cordial Mr. Congeniality puppet in the bought and payed for sell out media as a savior. Cha Ching$$$$$… BANGS Amber Turd gold digging psychology major of dominant excrement like a hero and then warns people that you are really late. I unno…I think think this dude is righteously fooked

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