The Amazing Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil comes from the plant nigella sativa which means it’s a botanical ingredient and by the end of this video I’m hopeful …


  1. I take tsp.Bionatal BSO with a little raw unfiltered honey and drink cold water. I take for many weeks, then stop for about 2-3 weeks and then resume again. Bionatal is a bit pricey, but a little goes a long way and it's been tested for high level Thymoquinone

  2. Can any one tell me their dosage per day? I’m doing 1100 mg in morning and at night but I’m thinking of doing more? Or is this fine. I did watch the video but I’m still contemplating.

  3. Dr. Childs, One week ago I started taking black seed oil,1 teaspoon per day, and have benefitted from more energy and better sleep. I am on Levothyroxine 100 mg, Bendroflumethiazide 25 mg for underactive thyroid, and Atenolol 25mg for high blood pressure. I can't seem to lose weight.I would like to continue with the oil, but is it safe to take long term? I have not had any adverse effects as yet.

  4. Honey – Antibacterial, Natural Sweetener
    Black Seed Oil – Cancer Reduction, Thyroid, Asthma etc
    Dates – For Females in Labour & Balanced Nutrition
    Meat – Amino Acids not available in Plants/Veg etc
    Many other foods.

    All heavily promoted by Prophet Muhammad sws and part of Muslim diets since 7th Century.

  5. I’m crying while watching this I have Hoshimoto and nothing so far has helped me I’m a breast cancer survivor I’m going to try black seed oil starting today already bought it in gummies and in oil drops I’m willing to try anything at this point that is reasonable. I’m so tired all the time and can’t have any quality of life so if anything can help I’m all in. I’m subscribing thank you

  6. Are the seeds themselves just as effective? We eat the seeds and add them to smoothies but it's hard to find info comparing the two. Why is only the oil covered here? (Thank you for covering all the benefits)

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