Ohio Issue 2 passed, but what's next? Here's how the new marijuana law could change

3News is answering your questions since the recreational use of cannabis is now legal. Stephanie Haney shares insight, from …


  1. The most important thing Issue 2 can do is become a springboard for federal legalization. Nothing else really matters in comparison. We need complete removal from the Controlled Substances Act. Not just rescheduling. Until that happens, employers can still drug test for pre-employment and at random, cops can still use the odor as probable cause to violate the 4th Amendment, financial institutions will continue to use its prohibition as an excuse to not play ball with business owners, and the black market will continue to finds way to profit in the cracks of the law.

  2. So, if pot is going to be regulated like alcohol, is there going to be things like "Potheads Anonymous" where people come in, say their name and then go on about how they have no power over marijuana, a 12-step program and all that?🤣🤣🤣
    And, I used poor vocabulary on purpose.🤣🤣🤣

  3. look how the media is trying to immediately push the narrative how people want issue 2 overturned. DONT LET THEM. THE PEOPLE VOTED NOW LET US BE.

  4. Deadly traffic accidents… more people getting on harder drugs once Marijuana doesn't do it anymore and any taxes gained will go to helping these folk get rehabilitated and etc. Etc. Nothing good will come next! We shouldn't have any contraband legalized it's not good for humanity… same for issue 1 Nothing good Nothing but pure evil and depopulation

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