1. "Clouding of the mind" is not what I experience with cannabis. It is the opposite. I do my best intellectual work when under the influence. I have never experienced any addiction connected to this. I crave it like someone craves chocolate, it is easily ignored.

  2. I used to smoke pot and sometimes I still craving especially when I’m stressed. Now every time that I crave it, I pick up the Quran and read 😊

  3. S.a I am married and I have a baby 4 months. After some time I saw signs of my husband smoking weed. i cannot tell him that I know about this because after that even if I forgive him he won’t see me in the way we are now, like respect is lost. I don’t know with whom to talk this if his&mine parents know they will be devastated moreover they are into islam. I constantly pray to Allah but I see I am feeling very odd desperate and sad. Please tell me what to do 😭

  4. For those struggling to quit, just know that all that is standing between you and a really uncomfortable period (detox symptoms) is nothing but a couple of weeks. Yes, it will be hard, but just tell yourself that a month from now the worst will be over. Green tea in the morning, Chamomile tea or golden milk in the evening. Also try to keep active for just one month, even if you don't normally do. AND PRAY even through the infuriating detox symptoms. One month goes by in a blink of an eye.

  5. I’m not Muslim, but I stopped smoking weed maybe 5 years ago, smoked from 14-24 and I can say now I definitely regret it, weed isn’t innocent and harmless like we like to think, it does have psychological consequences over time, especially when you are young and still developing.

  6. alcohol does affect you sometimes worst so its kinda confusing that weed is bad but people can get drunk and hurt another person as if that’s okay i know that in the religion neither is good i assume

  7. جزاكم الله خيرا.
    I will avoid it and keep telling others to do the same as well.
    However, The severe anxiety which I have will cripple and has already crippled my chances in life… But I will avoid it.
    في سبيل الله.

  8. I'm Christian, and on day 41 of my cessation from cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol.

    Even though I normally wouldn't listen to Muslims, on anything, this video was very informative.

  9. One can almost always trace an addiction back to trauma. Addressing the addiction alone does not always bring success because it focuses solely on willpower. Once we identify the trauma that we’re trying to numb, we can address it and no longer need the addictive substance or behavior. May Allah make it easy for us all. 🤲🏾

  10. I really struggle with this because i feel like weed is a medicine. I was struggling with Fatiha. Wallahi i smoked and had most of Fatiha down packed in a day lol my focus was significantly increased . I have cut down my daily smoking but i strongly think it has its place. Tea changes your state of mind via caffeine along with breathing a certain type of way so it just leaves me with questions.

  11. Idk bout that but when I have a problem and I smoke – I feel 5 times worse so I’m not afraid to say a prayer Al Fatiha to get back to normal but I realize that smoking weed is only when I feel good enough about myself and I smoke just for little fun…

  12. I'ma say this I want to stop but I'm not going to lie I got so many problems in my life and so many things going on especially when it comes down to living in the town that you are not from don't know nobody when it comes down to talk to anybody and things of that nature I'm not going to lie it does help with the nerves it gets rid of my loneliness

  13. Let’s not forget the spiritual harm cannabis brings, It opens up a DEMONIC STATE, it’s a barrier to any spiritual process. Sufis and Hindus smoke pot due to entering there spiritual state. Cannabis is the 2nd most ageing impact on the human brain, it lowers blood flow where the brain becomes permanently damaged.

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