Nightwatch: Titus Helps a Girl with Marijuana-Induced Anxiety Attack | A&E

A girl suffers from severe anxiety after recreational marijuana use, in this scene from Season 6, Episode 8. Watch the latest clips …


  1. This happened to me and I was sitting on the bed I felt like I was outside my own body and I just wanted to throw up but every time I would put my head down to throw up it felt like somebody was sitting on the back of my head and on the back of my neck and it made me so freaking freaked out that I begged and I begged for somebody to take me to the hospital so I’m really glad that you’re able to call and ask for help and there’s no discretion about the drugs that you used because all of my friends didn’t want to take me to the hospital because this was 15 years ago and the law wasn’t as point blank as it is now so I’m really glad they change that because people get in situations that aren’t always the best but they don’t wanna get in trouble so you have to outweigh trouble and health and unfortunately as a teenager we just don’t wanna get in trouble so I suffered through it and I’m still alive but it was absolutely petrifying

  2. I may know a guy who had a bad time once or twice. A cold shower to slow the heart rate and a hearty meal will do the trick.

    No need to demonize the plant. Worse experiences have been had with prescription drugs.

  3. I been through this many times and that’s why I stopped smoking weed the way I used too. Don’t get me wrong, weed does make me happy, giggle, munchies, then getting sleepy but it also depends how much you take in. The craziest paranoia I’ve experienced was when I felt like my body was abt to explode and my neck was heating up bad. I couldn’t swallow at all which scared me so I needed to distract myself from being that high. I was abt to collapse on the floor bc my legs were shaking so bad but I wasn’t needing to go to the hospital bc I told myself that I can get through this on my own and after I went through the scariest paranoia moment. I been very conscious abt smoking weed and now I don’t smoke weed often now. But I still love weed. I’m just taking a break from it

  4. This was me last night and I didn’t even remember going to the hospital but I had eaten edibles and they were marijuana and I remember having a panic attack and kept fainting felt like I was gonna pass out and die. It’s the first feeling idek how I managed to wake up

  5. I'm soo sensitive to marijuan that just a couple puffs send me into convulsions. It's the THC that i can't handle. Years ago i was prescribed pure THC capsules and i had a seizures from it. I've tried consuming it in all different ways but it does not matter. Any drug can effect people in many different ways.

  6. I been smoking most my life. At around 37 I had my first panic attack while high. My heart was pounding so bad but it was my thoughts that took over and I thought I was having a heart attack- I legit called 911. They were so cool about it and I went to hospital just for peace of mind and they said everything was good and I had panic disorder. Ever since then I’ve had them off and on but they’ve gotten a lot better.

  7. Lmaooooo I was laced with PCP ran throughout the woods etc… I legitimately thought people where out to get me. No one got me help. I crashed at some point. Mannnn I literally woke up the next day at 4pm 😂

  8. Weed is the only drug on the planet that messes me up and bad. I’m less than proud to own this fact but I have done a wide variety of drugs and pot was the only thing I had no use for. 😂 🎉 😉 😎

  9. I got so high and called an ambulance I thought I was dying, ate a half gram of RSO and lost all feeling in my body, after it all came rushing back and I became overstimulated in every way, heart pounding, heavy breathing, blurry vision loss of thought and terrified felt nauseous aswell. I couldn’t balance myself properly and my head felt like it was gonna fall off of my head and I kept almost falling so I couldn’t get up. Couldn’t keep any of it from going away I had it going for about 2 hours once I was talking to the EMY people it took them pumping me with IV and talking to me for about 20 minutes the symptoms started to relief slightly. Any tips to help with panic attacks with smoking

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