1. In matter of social awkwardness, better read 'The Laws of Human Nature' by Robert Greene rather than taking root solely for it, because once I was scaredy cat, now I'm changed totally. In general matter, root is very beneficial.

  2. I don’t know why some people say that it took them weeks for it to work. I felt the effects in an hour from taking mine. You gotta try this pill. I was so anxious this morning and I took it and an hour later I was completely fine.

  3. Took it for a year and absolute nothing happened at all..tried different times…different amounts and so on..did not feel even the slightest change..🤷‍♂️

  4. Nice video! I have been taking for a little over a month now and I have got to the point where I Dont feel anything anymore. I literally dont care about anything bot even being late for school. It's just something you can't describe if you haven't tried it. But it really helped my sleep and anxeity. In the future I will only taking for shorter periods of time.

  5. only take ashwagandha if the stress you feel is unecessary and unfounded. I find that when I take this I become too relaxed to strive for my goals.

    Take ashwagandha if you're getting unecessary stress and/or if it's hindering your progress.

  6. Thanks man, nice take. I’m just about to give it a go. Like you I’ll start low dose and see how it goes. I’m not crazy stressed, but still keen to see if/how it benefits me. Better sleep is always good.

  7. you are absolutely correct. I have 3 major life changes going on right now. I am really ok with it! I should be really stressed about it but I'm not!!!! If stumbling block comes along I'm like it's ok, it'll be fine. People are doing the stressing for me.

  8. Everything you mentioned is exactly what ashwagandha does for me. For me it worked immediately, within 30 to 45 minutes of taking it I felt that "carelessness" you mentioned that I can only describe as that "moment of clarity" after climaxing. To be totally honest, a friend gave me a bottle and after a couple of months of sitting in my cabinet, I took the recommended dose while completely having forgotten what it was supposed to do and I called my friend asking him WTF he had given me lol. For those thinking about taking it, keep in mind that although it does help reduce stress and anxiety, certain extreme situations might be too much for ashwagandha to help you with as I realized. Nevertheless, it has helped me a ton especially right before bed and during stressful days at work.

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