Judge Baker Docket – Liar Liar Pants on Fire Update!

First appearance for case update (mid docket permeancy hearing) ALL videos go to members for …


  1. I’m convinced Russel and whatsherface don’t want Jasmine at all, they just come to court and lie so they can sleep at night. They tell themselves it’s the court or CPS’s fault that they don’t have their kid, even though they won’t do a damn thing to get her back 🙄 I’m glad to hear Jasmine is doing well and is loved where she is.

  2. Did anybody else see Garrett Killough shake his head "NO" when asked "Have you made all of your Virtual Visits visits with Jasmine?" If so, I'm curious what your thoughts are about it🤔 I'm such a goof…I just realized there is a Part 1😅 Ill be back😅🤭😅❤

  3. Im curious after watching the Maya trial, what happens if a parent doesn't sign agreement for services but is willing to do whatever is requested? Does anyone know? I'm guessing the parent would have to pay for the services themselves.

  4. Am I getting this, right? These parents shook this baby. That made him severely handicapped and now they’re just gonna give the severely handicapped baby back to these parents.? What is going to be an even more stressful situation? On top of other kids? What the hell is going on?

  5. That case worker Garrett is so much better than he was the first time I saw him that is why I always say don't be too hard on people everyone's new on their job at one time or another and they have to learn it I'm glad he's doing

  6. Interesting that the effort to close the barn door after the horse has bolted is meticulous and scrupulous. Shame our society hasn't figured out how to be that meticulous and scrupulous about making sure the horse is properly secured and prepped ahead of time…I get it – individual right to screw up and social responsibility to clean up the mess. Painful to witness. — And don't get me started on mental health, which doesn't even provide the barn door closing process – just homeless on the streets or in jail…. Hard to be an optimist…

  7. Therapists cannot provide virtual sessions if the client is sitting in a state that they are not licensed in. Unless Dr. Jennings is licensed in MI he can’t legally provide services to them.

  8. I have too much anxiety for people to come in my home, but I can go get ours an hours of tattoos on their chest just fine lol now not enough furniture but I can afford those tattoos!
    Hey Adam set up

  9. The young couple aren’t really interested in getting the kids back. Watch their behavior. Not even writing the detailed care for baby.
    Who really thinks reunification is the right thing for these kids raising kids ?

  10. If the house Russell is talking about is the one he referred to in the previous video, he stated it was falling apart, that they couldn't live in it.
    Also, unless he is in charge for the volunteer fire dept, he isn't drawing a salary, and I question that vehicle. It's possible it could be different in that area, but here they get special placards for their private vehicle, with income tax exemptions etc for that⁰ vehicle.
    It's obvious not much has changed with this dude, he reminds me of the Jon Lovitz character off SNL back in the day, Tommy Flanagan the Pathological Liar!
    While Lovitz was funny, this guy is sickening!

  11. Those gummies can hit like a Mack truck. Just cause they look innocent and u can buy them in even no weed states they can be very strong. Ugh so frustrating how it was down played

  12. This is the reason why we need comprehensive sex education in schools. No one is teaching about STIs or birth control or consent. We need religion to stay out of the way so people can be informed. Other people's religion should not infringe on a healthy, informed society. We would not see the cycles of abuse continue if misinformation and fear wasn't running rampant by the uneducated. Our court system wouldn't have to forever have to clean up people's lives to get them on track either.

  13. I give the young parents credit for doing what they’ve done to reunify but I’m 50 yrs old and had 2 healthy boys now grown and I’m stressed just listening to all the needs of that baby. So many appointments outside of daycare too. I know foster parents get paid for taking kids in so she has time for all the running but how will these 2 survive on one income and possibly one car?!? Things happen and I’m real nervous for them.

  14. 58:48 58:48 Did you look at his friends list? So many skanky, 1/2-naked FB hoes.

    1:19:33 Sounds like a delay tactic to me, rather than a PTSD-like situation as Ms. Grant is suggesting. Ah ha 1:21:17 the truth. I'd think that Ms. Grant should be called-out for misrepresenting the facts! I think it's even more important to do a visit ASAP to make sure the children have beds set up, food in the fridge & pantry, basic necessities, & a safe environment! It could even lead to some additional assistance for mom & children if there are needs not being met. It doesn't need to look like a model home, but these things need to be evaluated. I'm sure they would take into consideration the DV & recent move while doing so.

    Sure glad Genesis wore her best black bra & spaghetti strap tank top for court. I wish some of these services taught basic decorum & the importance of teaching one's children about it

    I have to say that she seems to be doing that "mouth thingy" (that's the technical term, I'm sure of it) that we so often see in users. That really concerns me.

    Before someone accuses me of being hard on mom…I genuinely feel for her re: DV, but the children are apparently suffering (thus the FOUR hours of counseling each week). My biggest concern is them getting help & mitigating further trauma, and not repeating their parents' mistakes.

    1:24:20 Again I say "decorum class"!

  15. Was the dad that lied about his truck driving job one of the updates? He is a piece of damn work.
    I got news for mom who gave her baby syphilis, IT AIN'T ABOUT YOU!!! They don't have to do jack for you! You were the reckless idiot that passed syphilis to her child. This is about care and permanency for your kid. You don't do services, ain't gonna hurt the department one bit

  16. Absolutely agree. I've been zoomed in on them the last 10 minutes, and mom is super fidgety and distracted while dad has barely moved. Both have their arms crossed over their chest (mom some, dad the whole time except when he took his phone out of his pocket), which indicates being closed off. With the amount of medical needs in the youngest, I'm not really confident about reunification lasting. The child was shaken and has an ear splitting high pitched squeal when upset — that really worries me in parents so young who had kids removed due to abuse.

  17. I learned this unfortunate truth from working in pediatric critical care: Risk factors for "non accidental harm" are young parents, multiples, premature babies, and complex medical needs 😢

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