1. I think you look great! I noticed your weight loss right away. I only have 2 dogs, but they suffer with health issues, and I know the struggle, mentally and financially, I'm actually working a job that's too physically demanding just to pay for their medical care. Hang in there, your not alone!

  2. You are so deserving of anything anyone gives you. You are the kindest person I have ever seen on YouTube and you have such a huge heart. Please know everyone wanting to help is just more kindness for YOU. You have saved me and so many other kind souls for what you bring to the world everyday.

  3. Really feel the struggle of feeling like there's nobody to hang out with. It's very lonely out here in the small town Saskatchewan as a child-free person where everyone my age has children. Wishing I had some like-minded people like you around to be friends with! As a fellow person with only fur babies, I always relate to you so much when I watch your videos. I hope you can sort out what's going on with Oaks soon! ♥
    My one cat is also going through some sort of mystery ailment and the vet is totally stumped, so I know the feeling of not being able to help when you can tell they're uncomfortable.

  4. I literally tried to have this playing while I was putting on my makeup today but I just caaaannt😩 it’s so emotional! I love you and your pups so much! I hope all gets better soon!❤❤🫶🏼

  5. In September, my dog swallowed a cat toy and had to have surgery. It ended up running over 10k because of complications and the vet waiting 5 days to act on it. I didn’t want to ask for help because I was working two jobs, despite our furnace starting to die at the same time. I felt like others needed it more. My mom started a gofundme anyway, and so many people generously raised almost half of the vet costs. With insurance and the donations, we were only a few grand out of pocket in the end. I was speechless. And now, I lost my second job a month later 😂 sometimes things happen for a reason, and what this also taught me is people WANT to help. To the individual donating it may feel like a small gesture, but as a whole it can add up to something very significant and even life changing. I hope Oaks feels better soon!

  6. Really loving these vlogs, it’s so interesting to watch your daily life and get an insight into what it’s like to care for your gorgeous little pack of doggos! You are incredible Tasha 💖🐶

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