COVID has had a massive impact on Melbourne's CBD. Will it ever return to normal? | ABC News

Melbourne’s CBD is a very different place after the long COVID lockdown – and it may never be the same again. What to do with empty offices that may never be …


  1. "Good health lies in knowing true medicine"
    We are manufacturers of all kinds of products, we even build houses with the best 100% legal organic CBD in the world grown in Canada, Colorado, Holland and now the best in the blue zone of the Planet of Costa Rica

  2. this is the evidence that Australia is never too full. The more people live in this country, the more infrastructure, businesses, and culture will transform the nation into bustling light. stop listening to those bogans that think they own the land and blame everyone except themselves that they can't find a high paying job that requires them to sleep all days.

  3. Jeeez i hope this is the death of the travesty of an experiment that is Docklands. Better off bulldozing 100% of docklands and making it a gigantic park.

  4. Revive for what? Ahh Rich people's pockets… This is a HUGE MISTAKE. One single outbreak and It will go like wildfire assuming vaccines do not protect 100%. Also, office workers can work from home hence employers can save tones of money. Who needs office stuff,we are in Internet age and dont need to be in a concrete jungle to work at all.

  5. Companies should really recommend work from home since it's the best way to get a work life balance. Then use the space to provide a better experience at work.

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