1. Corrupt and fossilised government and medicos in Australia. This is not just some sort of evangelistic action by our reject health minister and co. It's also got a lot to do with the $14Billion dollars in Tobacco Excise death taxes they already made this year, plus their other associated income from tobacco sales via wholesale, retails, wages, GST and similar.

    There is some twit (likely sponsored by our government and or tobacco and pharmacy companies) circulating anti vaping propaganda to the greens that tries to discredit vaping harm reduction, saying all research stating vaping is less harmful is put there by big tobacco…

    My green rep even believes this discredits the UK Royal College of Physicians research and positive stance on vaping as a tobacco harm reduction strategy.
    How outrageous is that idea? Australia is the only outdated and highly corruptly governed country in the pocket of big tobacco and pharma.
    The UK is miles ahead of us on scholarly research, social and harm reduction policies and fighting corruption in their government.

    $14Billion just in tobacco this year, imagine how much they will make next year, when there are far more smokers via this stupid law, Including Many More Children Smoking again.
    Imaging how much big pharmaceutical companies are already bribing the government to be the sole provider or any vaping devices…

  2. Remember what happened with spice here in nz and the still running underground market for it? Yea…. aus is just gonna create a black market for vaping products. Sending out love to yous from nz brutha.

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