Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 161 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Being legally blind, Justin …


  1. Hey guys! So YouTube keeps copyrighting our intro for some reason, that’s why it’s muted. Soon we will be holding a contest for you guys to remix the intro for us to use so we don’t get copyrighted. Anyways… happy holiday to all you guys ❀️❀️

  2. Yo thanks for the podcast, i be stressing out hella rn cus im a senior in high school thats just trying to graduate but the work gets pretty stressful and watching yall podcast helps me get the work done thanks a lot.

  3. 1:16:45 Exactly πŸ’― No one is humble and so ungrateful anymore. No accountability for themselves and their actions. Too materialistic and don't value human life, especially protect children..don't honor or value morals, principles and manners.

  4. 1:04:39 Well & because a lot of us already knew they existed..that was just confirmation. My adoptive parents have pics of UFOs from in the 90s when they lived in Colorado, they are both in their 80's now. They've seen some ish, LOL

  5. That halo is representation of light ….. Light meaning sun ….. Sun meaning source …. Source meaning God. The halo or sun is always behind jesus …. Jesus is the sun and the source. If the sun leaves us …. We die. The sun gives us everything…. The ancients worshipped the sun for a reason

  6. Ok hear me out jumpers jump I swear that I remember a party hat emoji and there's no party hat emoji and this is the only close resemblance πŸŽ‰ but it's not a party hat so this could be in your new podcast. And please mention me

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