Don’t Let Them Play In Your Face | Cardi B calls out ‘b*tch a§§’ husband Offset on IG | NTTA1215



  1. Some women probably is making fun of her but I know what it is like for a man to do u this way that’s because i was treated this way. But Cardi B sad to say I have no sympathy to give she thought she was different called bw roaches women who brag on marriages need to humble thy selves these men will turn right around and humiliate you cause they know they have your head gone and they believe u thinking they can do no wrong Cardi B is not as tough as the show she put on. And believe me she’s mad about him cheating but she not only mad at that she’s mad cause every woman now know she got the same blk male and she had something to prove to other women and got done like this i do not brag on men and relationships cause u don’t know what these men capable of doing.

  2. Its also crazy how we just let her say the N word (in anger no less) all the time and everyone is just okay with it? She should leave him but we all know she will be back with him by the new year.

  3. Names mean a lot and I wouldn't have been with him, even if my life depended on it. Where i'm from "Offset" means feeling bad, weird, vex, upset, pissed off, angry or miserable. In a sentence it's used like: "Da whole situation or da person got me offset" or " I just feel so offset from wa just happen" or "He offset my entire evening, den". (I left off local slang/cuss words and other words that wouldn't make sense if your not from here, but you should get the guist). That man embodies every sense of that word and although I may not like Cardi, no one deserves what she is going though. I hope she is serious about leaving and takes her daughters away from the mess, all while showing them what not to do. He's not worth the stress or wrinkles. 💅She needs to go to therapy or write out her feeling and give the world a whole new album, to make the menz mad.🤣

  4. Nah, 8:108:30 has me hollering because exactly!! Erica say, let me give yall a visual, because yall don't listen when I just talk.

    I need that segment to go viral. 😂💯 Perfect representation of what be happening fr, though. Smh

  5. While I do not wish pain on anyone, I cannot forget her hatred for BW and the degrading things she's said about us. I really can't feel sympathy for someone who actively hates BW.

    We've all allowed males to cross boundaries and not kicked them to the curb. This must end. We already know that most of these males are plantation bucks acting like massa has sired them out.

    Until there are consequences, like leaving these dudes in their dust, nothing will change. So long as we allow them to play in our faces, the games move to championship levels.

    Self-respect is one of our most-valuable tools. Choosing ourselves never goes wrong.

  6. What does Cardi expect she married a dude that blocked his other daughters mom when she told him she was pregnant and Cardi had to make him be apart of that child’s life to get the heat off the both of them did she really think he was gonna be a class act for her

  7. She has worked hard for herself, family, kids and husband. She went to college too. She’s driven and still a man, her husband, cheated on her. What else do these men out here want from us women? These men are actually immature and not ready for respect, commitment, family.

  8. She told people to kill themselves last month. She calls black women monkeys. She is the face a machine trying to bring down a black woman. So sorry no sympathy 🤷🏾‍♀️

  9. The problem is uplifting these types of men, stop supporting them!! She might have thought she won, but most knew this would be her outcome. She saw many women suffer from his treatment! Why marry him, a rapper? He didn’t believe in commitment at all. I want to see her go after him like she did to Tasha K! Let’s go!

  10. Don’t feel sorry for her. Her entire brand before being a rapper was being a “man snatcher”, her introduction on lhhny was her sleeping with dj self while he was in a relationship then proceeded to physically attack the woman he was with. Same thing with her second season on lhh. She was sleeping with a producer while he was in a relationship then, shocker, proceeded to physically attack and gaslight the woman. Offset is very much her karma.

  11. I feel for her but I don't feel sorry for her because in the words of Erica "Did you not read the Yelp reviews?"

    I think she pushed marriage with him because she wanted to be seen as the "exception, the special one" when his track record with his other mothers said otherwise.

    Of course, he'd married her because she elevated him!

    I hate this younger generation that has to put every damn thought,emotion on social media. Cardi looked stupid being that enotional over a man that has shown you repeatedly that he may love you but he doesn't like you and is jealous of your career so he screws around because you both know that you don't feel that you deserve better

    I want her to get therapy, move on and show her kids the right way to deal with a breakup (if it actually leads to divorce).

  12. I identify that she's done this every time fans are uplifted and enjoying a new Nicki album. It's getting old. Millionaire rage and tears doesn't resonate with me. Just another attention seeking outburst and it's working. I personally don't give a shit. She took him back several times after raw smashing other women, now wants to cry? No
    Keep that toxic mess because we DO NOT need it.

  13. I often reflect on the fact that I've not cried over or had a man make me cry in over 5yrs, and it's such a tremendous feeling. Hearing Cardi in that state is really saddening because, like you said, it's something we can identify with. I can't be a part of that group because I've come to truly value my peace. Idk if it's for forever, but for now, I love and need it. 💜

  14. Heyyyy diva i hope all is well its been a minute hope everything is well with you i felt that pain people hurting you and playing in your face and treating you like crap been there many times no more anyway protect your energy love and light bendiciones. Happy holidays 🪬🪬🧿💙🙏✨️✨️🌟⛄️☃️☃️☃️

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