Melbourne CBD expecting floods of people for New Year’s Eve celebrations

Almost half a million people are expected to flood into Melbourne’s CBD tonight to celebrate the ticking over of a brand new year.


  1. Floods of people leaving the comfort of their homes to watch their tax dollars sparkle in the sky with excitement then wish a few strangers standing next to them a happy new year and they will make the long journey back home and wake up tomorrow morning to live another 12 months of m1ssery

  2. Floods of people leaving the comfort of their homes to watch their tax dollars sparkle in the sky..then they will say ohhh ahhh with excitement then wish a few strangers standing next to them a happy new year and they will make the long journey back home and wake up tomorrow morning to live another 12 months of m1ssery

  3. So did they try killing the people like last year.
    I suffered a medical emergency and they wouldn’t allow me to pass their barricade.
    Melbourne fireworks is not safe for families.

  4. If you're just okay with what Andrews did to Melbourne, it's image and it's economy, then you're a complicit bootlicker.
    You would never allow anything he did or what happened if there had been an LNP politician responsible, you sanctimonious, mindless c***s 😊

  5. Don't forget, ALP voters of Sky, while we the Beautiful (cultured, educated) People are out par-tee-ing tonight, you'll be stuck in your shabby little hovels, sniveling and moaning to your heart's content
    There's no substitute for the truth 😊

  6. Don't forget, little darlings of Sky, while we the Beautiful (cultured, educated) People are out par-tee-ing tonight, you'll be stuck in your shabby little hovels, sniveling and moaning to your heart's content.

  7. Marvelous Melbourne, the world's third most livable city, and all set to take back the coveted prize of being number one in 2024! Why? Quite simple, darlings, we have the most robust democratic socialist government in the Southern Hemisphere! Hugs to all of my Sky fans!

  8. All glittered up and ready to par-tee! My heels are nearly as high as the fireworks positioned on our beautiful skyline. Oh, Melbourne, how we love thee! Thine is truly the most cultured, the most glamorous, the most cosmopolitan global city in the world! πŸŽ†πŸŒˆ πŸ–€πŸ’›β™₯πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ’‹

  9. Expected violence in commie-toria for the New year fixed your headline skynews you know who would make a great premier for Victoria mark chopper Reid Dan Dan i heard you owe the Victorian taxpayers money chops there's no money Here Sutton yes Dan tell chopper there's no money Here there's no money here chopper Hey Dan you got 30 seconds to produce that money for the Victorian taxpayers LoL 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  10. Nice for Melbourne to celebrate and go back to relative normality, after what Andrews did to it's people and businesses with his fascistic and unscientific lockdowns 😁

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