Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine calls on legislators to modify recreational marijuana law after Issue 2 passes

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says he accepts that Ohioans have voted to legalize recreational marijuana, but is calling on legislators to …


  1. It’s more than obvious that a lot of pot smokers vote. Just think about how this dabbling with what we voted for is going to affect how we vote in November. I am voting Democrat from the Governor all the way down to the dog catcher, and I pray that I have lots of company!!

  2. Vote that old buster out of office. He is a old fart, who needs some cannabis. Him an his wife. But bless them for "serving" the state but the people of the state wont you to shut up sir.

  3. Yep of course. Because our votes are merely suggestions…guess dewiness hoping everyone has forgotten when it's time for reelection. We will. I'm still just going to consider marijuana illegal in Ohio even medical because that's how they're treating it and stay black market. Still cheaper and better quality and safer. F this bs fake "legalization". Ohio some bullshit.

  4. These people are so stupid. You know if they put all these new regulations on how strong pot can be, and how strong the concentrates can be it’s no longer Cannabis. Stop trying to control the percentage and stop downing five or six martinis before dinner time. You hypocrites need to find someone else to pick on.

  5. Dewine thinks he can do anything in Ohio. Ole Dewine is another politician with deep pockets. Changing the cannibis law is just one issue with him. He's corrupt and needs out. He'll be out when he gets caught on his bribes with the utility company for 60 million dollar bribes. He's too important to visit the border, but he will bring them all to ohio and, we pay for it. He thinks he has the power to do anything and now he (not the ohio voters), he's going to make any changes he wants. That is wrong, and THAT was not part of the ballet.

  6. SOMEONE should apprise these senators as to what happened in the Bud Light fiasco. It didn't work out well for the people that tried to subvert the demands of the customer.

    The entire executive team was fired from the ad agency, to Anheiser Bush to InBev. Bud Light is still losing market share. Still to this day. Billions lost, forever.

    In the case of these legislators, the customer is the voter. Going with the lobby money will hurt them deeply.

    When a single item clicks someone to the 'off' position, that's it. That's why Bud Light is still losing money and why these legislators will lose their seat. Just for trying to subvert the will of the Ohio voters.


  7. Where going to get Mike Dewine out of office The people passed issue 2 with a Landslide And now he doesn't know how to handle it. But to tweak it and you're going to piss a alot of people off Doesn't he realize half of dayton is driving to michigan and get in it anyways so why not grow it here in are home like we vote for.

  8. Dewine is a garbage human. He tried to change one person one vote. Now he thinks we had no idea what we voted for November 7th. He thinks we're all idiots. You can not respect the will of the people, assume they're stupid then completely disregard the results of the election. Aren't they trying to jail Trump for something similar? Dewine needs voted out asap! Or recall him!

  9. Fook, Mikey DeWine he is such a Hitler wannabe, idiot. The people of Ohio has spoken. The people of Ohio have voted to make recreational cannabis legal.

    Hey you idiots Cannabis is no longer going to be illegal. So why are you building up police forces around Medical Cannabis shit. You people are just fascist pricks.

  10. Time to vote these old politicians the hell out of office, the government is for the people by the people see that learn it. We voted for rec pot now they want to change it all up I say leave it alone, we voted for this now give it to us

  11. I dont see how a referendum that was voted on by the people could be changed like that. Doesn't the bill originally require some kind of committee or something to lay down the ground rules and such before it can even be put up for a vote? I have never had this kind of vote in my state so i am unfamiliar with how it works.

  12. He needs to shut his mouth and push as hard as he can for every tax dollar he can. Ohio needs that money badly. He just needs to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to. That's exactly why Dewine isn't right for Ohio. He's Joe Biden 2.0. He's too old, and he needs to go. Get with the times or be gone with him! Ohio needs progress and to be brought into the 21st century in a bad way! Dewine is stuck in the 1980s, and that just doesn't work for Ohio anymore.

  13. SOooo… Can I now SUE "WORKERS COMPENSATION" for denying my injury claim for failing the pot test? This law is to compensate those of us unfairly persecuted over Cannabis use. WE VOTED ON WHERE THE MONEY IS SUPPOSED TO GO AND WHAT IT"S TO BE USED FOR!

  14. It doesn't make any sense because if the law didn't pass it would nothing to be done so that's kind of unfair that's one sightedness if we vote for something that happened there it is Mike Dwayne's it can't change anything then we need to vote him out of office if he's not doing what we want him to do we he works for us we don't work for him what's into forget that

  15. Like the wine did this just like he did with the abortion vote people vote and he wants to change the vote we vote for marijuana he wants to change our vote enough already we need to change our vote for governor,

  16. The cat is out of the bag but my thing is if we vote on something why is it there changing anything because it does the case then there's other things I mean we have alcohol which can be worse than marijuana and there's not too much legislation on that because now you can drink downtown walking app-and-down the street Mike the wine is not gonna be able to put a cap on this he's gonna try but I'll vote count and he's messing with his next election

  17. Yeah don't worry about the fact that we voted for it or anything you know I mean it passed the vote but you go ahead and change whatever you want buddy cuz we can vote your ass out in about 3 months so good luck

  18. Vote dewine out he is way too old how un American to try and chang somthin the people clearly voted for and passed issue 2 so stop screwing Ohioans our votes matter u should be ashamed of ur self for tryin to change something tax paying Ohioans voted for

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