1. Those who do not want supplements and these products regulated do not want it because they know it would not pass standards. Those who want less government do not realize that the FDA is restrained by what it needs to do by lobbyists, political will (investores, homestate profits), investors such as retirement plan stocks. This is why many US companies must modify their labels to export. A country that is not investing in the healthcare of their employees does not protect it in the same way such as education, product inspection, accurate labeling and holding 'influencers' are representatives accountable. Many who get dragged into MLM also lose a lot of money and deal with psychological trauma from the experience of manipulation and lies. Instead US citizens must hire attorneys. Such a sad situation.

  2. I live in south Florida, I cannot understate how dangerous heat stroke is and how FAST it can come on. I've personally dropped a few times from working outside. To do what that lady did is beyond irresponsible 🤦 that's criminal. You can be in peak physical shape, it doesn't matter, humidity and heat will win every single time.

  3. 1:11:17 none of the woman's ideas have anything remotely to do with business. She's a total liar. What does she sell again? Is be sueing her when I got home. Mind you, I'd survive because I used to take extra snacks as well as double the water is need to use. But seriously, she thinks she's a cult leader. And then you say it down the track. Hmm… Ps, I'm diabetic. I looked up her product. I wouldn't be touching it.

  4. why are you yelling? I wanted to watch this video but you are yelling and haven’t even started with the content but already selling us trash? unsubscribe!

  5. “We didn’t know we could have killed someone on this hike. We had to call an emergency motorcycle 45 minutes into a walk!” hours later “there is nobody, you can’t scream and get help, we put them in complete seclusion from the world! 😁”
    What the actual fuck was wrong with her brain?

  6. 31:00… I have had to wear contacts since I was 7 yrs old. It hasn't been a walk in the park. If I can't afford these contacts which are now down to 800$ a pair , I lose vision if I wear glasses. How insulting that drs have lied to me the last 47 years😂😂😂

  7. Shit, you’re telling me that I’ve been dropping hundreds of dollars on glasses since I was 5 years old and all I really had to do was believe in myself? Get this woman a Nobel prize

  8. MRR will still exist next year … possibly for another two years because there's always the people who take it up late. It's been so wide spread that ETSY is full of them and it's basically spam now. It's 100% a grift and scam now. You might make money in the first week or two (because there might be people who you can influence) then… it'll fizzle out quick.

  9. I work for an Aussie company in the sex wellness space and caretake a Facebook community. I'm a huge anti MLMer. Even with the change in focus to products and the referral bonuses stopping after a year and so forth – I'm with you it still has the stink of MLM and honestly as you said… DEAR GOD THEY ACTUALLY HAVE TO WORK LIKE A REAL BUSINESS NOW (ROFL!!!) … I still won't allow them in the community.

  10. The essential oil eyesight lady saying that there are “mental and physical issues that can affect your vision,” has the same vibe as when Hank Hill went blind because he caught his mom boning her boyfriend on the kitchen table.

  11. As someone who have worn glasses for over 40 years I’ll never ever put essential oils in my eye. I’m already nearly legally blind, I don’t need help in that department. She should be canceled for medical misinformation.

  12. I grew up in Flint, Mich. Lead is in my blood in high levels- plus a bullet that can't be removed… I'm 55 and want to live another 55 yrs; thanx for all this information! ❤

  13. Essential oil eye lady is giving white supremacy… like saying people target her because she's "pretty", has blue eyes, blonde hair, and is white. Then saying anything other than light eyes (aka brown) is dirty or caused by toxins. What a weird creep.

  14. It’s the people like this who took away my wonder and confusion about people who get caught up in cults. The folks that defend this mess and still want to get involved, I don’t even feel bad for them anymore.

  15. Goddammit, the eye thing is the most fucked up. Like tell those facts to my and my families predisposition to headaches/migraines and spectrum of eye conditions. my bio mom and dad and I are near sighted and believe that I'm the worst out of the 3 of us, and my brother has to wear glasses wear glasses when he drives,starting in his early to mid 20s.

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