Questions You Had About My Seizures

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  1. I think you may have something called spondylitis, which is bone growth at the points where the nerve fibers enter and exit your spinal column. An X Ray should be able to diagnose this.

  2. Joey you should go see a Chiropractor to re-align your body and then get a deep tissue massage to relax your muscles! You deserve it! Love u and Ben! Aloha B

  3. The only reason I hate when you tubers are sponsored is cause you don’t know if these products really help them with these problems or they are just saying they do for the money.

  4. I think it’s good to talk about this! This could really help a person with epilepsy that is feeling alone, just like you were. It enables them to see that there are other people who have similar struggles. Thanks for sharing this!😁

  5. Go to your doctor about your pins and needles, could be a nerve issue. A doctor recommended Tuna as part of my seizure prevention and haven't had one for 12 years, could be a coincidence or a placebo, but kind of works for me. Those who have seizures need to inform friends/loved ones what to expect, there are many types and each should be dealt with differently, I have Jacksonian, my grandfather just sort of passed out, some people have warning signs, I don't. Oh, and declare that you have seizures to your work colleagues too so they aren't frightened if it happens and they can make reasonable adjustments ie fix flashing ceiling lights quickly that can trigger a seizure. Try not to get stressed over anything, consider meditation, especially if you are taking exams, moving house or other life-challenging events. Just some stuff I picked up on the way.

  6. I love your pink hat too,I appreciate you're sharing about your seizures.I think t h e CBD oil can be very helpful I have not head of numbness in leg.I have so much LOVE and admiration for you Joey.Wishing you a wonderful weekend and tell Ben Hi for me.

  7. Hi Joey! 👋First off, the pins/needles feeling when you bend your neck down is most likely pinching a nerve in your cervical spine area; please see a specialist (not a “regular” dr) ie spine surgeon, etc. for this condition. It can develop into something quite serious (paralysis😱) if you take a blow or lift the wrong way!!
    Secondly, absolutely educate those that spend a lot of time around you as to what to do if you have a seizure. The fact that you have to google it means you also should educate yourself… & NOT via google, “internet doctors/keyboard warriors” that will give you advice in the comments; everyone, every body is different & their advice may actually do more harm than good!!!
    Thanks for sharing; keep the great content coming!👍👍

  8. I also got epilepsy I can relate to this video so much…. Only shows you're a strong person! When you had a seizure… Did you also see yourself having the attack?

  9. Agreed with others on the tingling in the legs being some sort of pinched nerve or disk issue on your spinal cord. I’d actually recommend going to a chiropractor, specifically you want an office that deals with sports medicine and pain management. They should have both DC (chiropractor) and MD (medical doctor) on staff. They would most likely do some xrays, full examination, and then possible an MRI ( but that would be more down the road ).

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