October Favorites & Best Hemp Oil Cream For Anti-Aging

My Favorites for October – best HEMP OIL CREAM & Skincare, Makeup, and my favorite fall fashion looks. I go shopping at …


  1. No never to soon to get a new puppy. Out dog died recently I miss her every single day. Animals are the best my heart sores when I see animals well maybe not the coyotes that hang out around out neighborhood. Love to Dezi.

  2. Desi is absolutely adorable ๐Ÿฅฐ. My daughter the same saving a precious dog ๐Ÿถ. Bernice Mountain. He was so beautiful ๐Ÿ˜. Always be grateful for what we have. ๐Ÿ™ Desi love your Bow Tie. Handsome โค๏ธ

  3. Susan, I came across your videos quite by chance and have become a follower. I love how how you always bring something positive to us which is very helpful and inspiring specially during the lockdowns for the pandemic. Love your skin care tips and thrift store hauls. Thank you also for the touching personal stories. Take care and stay happy.

  4. I love wearing scarfs but always colours. Yes, a fluffy robe is always cozy. You have a great outlook. Well said. When is the time best for them. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•I love that!

  5. You are a breath of fresh air, in a world where there seems to be sooo much negative.
    Your " WORDS OF WISDOM, " are a gift, to give women permission to move on and
    live life. Men too. I love your video, because they Breath Life into all of us who are
    soooo blessed to have found you. Thank you. The dress is so flattering, and LOVE
    the polka dot blouse.

  6. Susan's advice around getting another pet is right! I lost my dear Georgie (AmStaff rescue I had 11 years) nearly three years ago now and I just couldn't think about getting another puppers, but going through the seasons and remembering George and all the things we would do and how we kept each other company so many times, my husband and I decided to get a new rescue dog. So now we have Davie (little girl – and we're not quite certain what she is except loved). Rescued her at eight weeks and now we've had her a couple of years. I never thought any dog could replace my George, but Davie didn't replace anyone. She's who she is. I love her so much! Do it when you're ready and you won't regret. xxoo

  7. So glad you ended up getting Desi the โ€œhonkingโ€ hedgehog. That is my and my little guyโ€™s all time favorite toy ๐Ÿถ! I always buy it when I see it because they get ripped through. If I say โ€œgo get your babyโ€ he looks around and brings it to me ๐Ÿ’•. You can see Teddy in my pic.

  8. Your video (this one and the one before) reminds me of Stevie Nicks song "Dreams". The part that says "players only love you when they're playing. women, they will come and they will go". These words are so very true.

  9. Hi Susan we should never ever give the time or opportunity to take up valuable space in our heads or our lives. I truly believe that if you have had some therapy in the past you are given the ability to self analyse and give yourself a really good talking to and that is why true friends can snap you out of a fugue or a brain fog because they tell it how it is but we can do that for ourselves. I said before you are a person who lives in the moment and takes the time to look at the beauty in small things around you if we all did this we would not have time to let negativity fill our lives I hope your friend can come to terms with the loss of a relationship so he can move on. I get fleeting moments of grief and regret over the breakup of my first marriage (he too was a cheater) but I don't let them linger I don't give these feelings a chance to grow and instead I concentrate on all the good things in my life now and even if everything's not all good there is always at least some small thing that can make you happy even in the darkest days so we all need to learn to give these thoughts maximum space and allow ourselves to feel joy. xxxxx

  10. That blouse is fabulous. It looks great on you. Love the fall colors. I hate when it snows before the leaves have fallen. ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ‚โ„๏ธ xoxo, Swoozie

  11. Beautiful video Susan. You looked so very lovely as always. And darling little fur baby Desi so sweet as always too. Bless you for giving him a forever home where he is so loved and treasured.I'm sure I'm sure darling Cooper was looking out for him and wanted him to be loved the way he was with you too. Angels are all around,but we can't see them but they are there. Love rules XXX For you both.

  12. Aww that Dezi just warms my heart! Love how he wont look in the camera! ha! You look beautiful Sues!! I agree about the Rosehip oil….sooooo good!! Love you both!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Carol

  13. Budget friendly eye shadow palettes I recommend are Profusion Cosmetics and ColourPop Cosmetics. The one that you have is a business that has questionable business issues and the person that promotes that palette is not a respectful, ethical person. He's down right nasty and I can't support that.

    I use pure hemp seed oil and LOVE it!!! My next favorite after the rosehip seed oil you turned me onto. ๐Ÿ˜€

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